David   California, United States
Human Resources Manager of @Dohezy LLC
i don't get paid, but I also don't work. hmm.
disclaimer: not a real company and no relations to any similar company

Book/Manga stuff I liked -------
I love feel-good stories where the story is on an upward incline.

This is a great manga: Deep Sea Aquarium Magmell []
Story-wise, it's about a janitor at a deep-sea aquarium who aspires to be a Keeper, somebody directly involved with the handling of the aquatic creatures.
There's a sprinkle of mystery and awe alongside the story, adding to the curiosity of the readers.
Visually, the author makes good use of space, and frames aren't wasted. It's a treat for the eyes.

No Home [] is a good take on the "troubled adolescent" genre. The situations that the main characters are placed in are mostly grounded situations without too many dramatic turns. Their growth and presentation are also a sight to see. I do think that it relies too much on the "Oh ♥♥♥♥..." factor for the characters, and there is a bit of an emotional whiplash problem. Give it 13 chapters before dropping.

Brandon Sanderson's a decent writer of sci-fi/fantasy. His characters and world building are his strongest points, but his plot and story structure tends to be similar between books. They are also slower-paced. Many people like this. Others may not. If you've ever felt a rush of emotion while listening to music, his books have evoked the same feeling in me. Mistborn is probably a good book to start off with. His website has free samples of his books.

The Mother of Learning [] is a pretty good web novel. The protagonist is a 15 year-old boy who finds himself stuck in a time loop, repeating the same month over and over. There are few repetitive elements and it was fresh through the end. The beginning's a little slow and you might not like the protagonist, but he gets his share of development. Read through a few time loops before dropping it.
Previously known as Amethesis, which was the combination of Amethyst + Thesis. It was too effeminate and hard-to-pronounce. Otherwise, I would have stuck with it. Arcotash was inspired by the structure of "Macintosh". I'd like to have thought out a different nickname, but it's good enough for now.

There are many online educational resources.
MIT has a bunch of free courses, for example. Personally, I hate most online courses since the information is disseminated in video form, but your mileage will vary.

I'm a budding computer engineering student. One Note is my primary note-taking software. It's quite good with some clunk. I like it since it's free, has cloud, and has minimal setup.
I prefer the 2016 version, not the UWP version, since it has a better UI and more customization.
*Mac users lack access to the 2016 ver.

I want more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ curves in my game maps. I want curved corridors. I want curved catwalks. Straight, rectangular objects can go ♥♥♥♥ themselves. I WANT MY CURVES>I WANT MY CURVES I WANT MY CURVES I WANT MY CURVES I WANT MY CURVES I WANT MY CURVES I WANT
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my very own info box !!! !!!! :D

If you sit around a lot using a computer, you've probably got inflexibility. Set up a routine for (dynamic) stretches.

Eat healthy, and exercise. Make sure your diet is varied. Google around.

Monitors. Consider color, refresh rate, ghosting(persistence of a previous image), "true" input lag, etc. And buy new monitors, not older and obsolete monitors that have yet to lower in price.
When you do buy a monitor, search up user calibrations, manually calibrate them, or shell out hard cash for a colorimeter. Manual Color Calibration Website:

Audio. Go search up new, decent headphones and see if they have community-made Equalizer profiles. Proper equalizer profiles will improve a headphone's quality by a surprising amount.
Open-back headphones sound better for a lower price, but they lack bass and leak noise.
Closed-back headphones block out sound, but will cost more for the same sound quality.
There's a bit more to their differences so google around.

Mice. Consider its size, ergonomic options(thumb rest, shape, vertical mouse), sensor, potential hardware/software issues (especially Logitech), etc. Wireless is recommended.
Latency between wired and wireless is nearly the same (on midtier+ mice). Downside with certain unrechargeable mice is that you can't check battery levels. Have some batteries nearby.

Keyboards. Key rollover(registering simultaneous key presses), noise, weight, key wiggling.
Mechanical keyboards are great for typing and working purposes. However, I prefer butterfly-switch keyboards and similar switches for gaming since it's faster to press the keys.

TLDR: Make sure the stuff you're buying isn't old expensive ♥♥♥♥ and don't fall for marketing gimmicks. Save yourself some money and buyer's remorse with good googling.

If you're a dumbass like me who wasn't using their microfiber cloth to clean their glasses, DO IT NOW. Regular ass tissues and cloth are just gonna butter up your lenses. No wonder they give you 'em.
ooh #2
my very own info box (Points Shop Purchase) !!! !!!! :D
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Benjamin Gapelin 18 окт. 2024 в 7:47 
in 2005, arcotash unkilled 3 men
Hakon 5 май 2024 в 21:51 
I too like Onenote 2016
Mankar Camoran 2 ян. 2024 в 14:42 
in 2004, arcotash killed 3 men
⬆️➡️🔽🔽🔽 6 апр. 2023 в 13:32 
rest in peace