Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
12.9 Std. in den vergangenen zwei Wochen / 31.7 Std. insgesamt (22.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Verfasst: 25. Juni um 14:00

Do you want to get into building PCs? Well, this isn't gonna exactly teach you the entire process, but it's a good start. This game feels like simulating an IT job, accepting jobs from customers and having to research their parts that both work and are an effective price for what they desire. It honestly takes me an hour and a half to prepare for a day, deciding what parts I need and for whom, getting a list of problems and goals for each person, taking into account their favorite types of parts and such, the quick part of the experience is actually building their machines!
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