Alex   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Momenteel offline
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240 uur gespeeld
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 10/10 - Would become a sleep-deprived engineer again!

Graphics: 🎨🖥️
Who needs breathtaking visuals when you can feast your eyes on the most beautiful assembly lines ever created? Forget realistic graphics; Factorio brings you the ultimate pixelated wonderland where factories thrive like neon-lit disco parties. It's like watching a Rube Goldberg machine on steroids. I mean, who doesn't want to stare at conveyor belts all day long, am I right?

Gameplay: 🎮💡
Factorio is not just a game; it's a crash course in engineering brilliance. From assembling mind-boggling contraptions to optimizing production chains, this game offers a blend of creativity, strategy, and insanity. You'll be hooked from the moment you start your first factory and spiral down into an addiction where time ceases to exist. My sleep schedule is a wreck, but my factory output? Top-notch!

Grind: ⚙️🔨
Prepare to delve into the abyss of endless production goals. The grind in Factorio is like an industrial marathon on steroids. But fear not, for every second spent optimizing your factory layout is a moment of pure satisfaction. Just be warned, once you start, there's no turning back. You'll find yourself dreaming about ratios, perfect throughput, and the sweet symphony of machinery.

Difficulty: 🚧🤯
Factorio doesn't hold your hand; it straps a rocket to it and launches you into an engineering obstacle course. From the peaceful bliss of early game automation to the chaotic mayhem of fending off alien invasions, this game will test your problem-solving skills and resilience. The learning curve is steep, but the sense of accomplishment when your factory hums like a well-oiled machine? Priceless.

Price: 💰💥
Factorio might be the best investment you'll ever make. Sure, it's not the flashiest game out there, but the countless hours of addictive gameplay, constant updates, and a dedicated modding community make every penny worth it. It's like having an infinite box of engineering puzzles delivered to your doorstep, only better!
Recente activiteit
53 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 24 jul
100 XP
Prestatievoortgang   19 van de 93
0,6 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 1 jul
Prestatievoortgang   16 van de 16
45 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 30 jun
100 XP
Prestatievoortgang   23 van de 170