Doremy Sweet
Robert   Northbridge, Massachusetts, United States
People who end up staying full of themselves in their dreams tend to lose their sense of reality. It's only if you strike the true middle ground that you can walk the line that leads to true, idealistic and realistic success. Many don't even know this, although some like this special person
do, and they help to grow and change the world and I every day. Now, ask yourself. Are you a dreamer? A sweet cynic? Or do you want to be someone who sees the true nature of the world?~

Based on the groups I'm in, I'm sure it's easy for people to add me for sexual reasons. Please know that I really, really, REALLY would rather not have people add me just for "sex," "giantess," "Touhou love," or whatever you want to refer to it as. However, if you have another reason, please know I will swiftly reject the former, that is all~ I would also like it if you don't add me to only rp. I rp only with close friends. If you want rp with no friendship, go to tumblr or F-list.

I really don't like it when people delete me for no reason, please if you're on my friend list it means I want to be your friend even if we don't talk that much. Along with this, I would like it if you tell me when and why you are deleting me. It doesn't mean you have to, I simply appreciate it. And if I delete you out of the blue, it's because we haven't talked for an immemorable amount of time. Again, this is something that you can choose to do, but because of past complaints that I am a "hypocrite" for not doing the same I told others they "must" do, I'm stressing this fact that you don't HAVE to if it makes you uncomfortable.

For everyone's information, if there are any arguments/drama on my profile's comments, after the issues are considered done by me I will delete all comments relating to it. No stranger wants to come across random people arguing/spouting drama, and I don't want things like that clogging up my profile's free public space, thank you.
Currently Online
Drelanis 8 May, 2024 @ 6:46am 
Game time? Let's go!
Dev0lution 18 Apr, 2022 @ 3:17am 
Well, genuinely confused on how I found this profile but hello.
1349 6 Jan, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
No Hands No Cookies
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Ƨuǵurᶖ»ℓ♡ѵè 22 Jun, 2021 @ 11:43am 
I see a potentially good friend and enthralling and engaging individual please to consider being Touhou squishy Shooty Blasty Danmakuy friend with me :Yuyuko:
Spyropyro1 18 Dec, 2020 @ 8:18am 
Interesting description
Tweety 2 Dec, 2020 @ 1:00pm 
add me