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Đánh giá gần đây bởi pawptart

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12.6 giờ được ghi nhận (5.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
If you've already played UnEpic, then you know what you're in for with Ghost. It's the same game with a different sci-fi skin plastered on it, even going as far as reusing sound effects from the former. If you liked UnEpic, you'll like Ghost.

For those that haven't played Unepic, Ghost 1.0 is a solid game providing hours of content and replayability. The graphics are consistent, the sound design is solid, the combat is intuitive and fun, and the story, while slow to start out, is good enough. But the little things will drive you crazy in this game. For instance, there are no default hotkeys for swapping out secondary weapons beyond the mouse wheel, forcing you to scroll wildly in the heat of combat if you run low on ammo. Some of the level designs are poor, such as corridors too small to jump in with turrets at the end, shooting you before you can react. During alarm sections, your team will constantly call you with useless information, which for some strange reason removes HUD visibility DURING COMBAT.

However, if you can get past these small issues, Ghost 1.0 is a very fun game.

Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 6, 2016.
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