Crocus, Master of Culinary Arts
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1 feljegyzett VAC-kitiltás | Információ
2092 nap az utolsó kitiltás óta
sam 2018. jún. 11., 22:46 
♥♥♥♥ you..
cunny speedrunner 2018. jún. 11., 22:46 
Crocus, Master of Culinary Arts has been permanently banned from official CS:GO servers.
sam 2018. jún. 11., 22:39 
Crocus, Master of Culinary Arts has disconnected, waiting 1 more minute before abandoning.
cunny speedrunner 2018. jún. 11., 22:38 
Crocus, Master of Culinary Arts has disconnected, waiting 2 more minutes before abandoning.
sam 2018. jún. 11., 22:38 
Crocus, Master of Culinary Arts has disconnected, waiting 3 more minutes before abandoning.
cunny speedrunner 2018. jún. 11., 22:37 
-rep abandoned mid game for no reason