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Análises recentes de LoveJesusHateTheGovernment

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9.9 hrs em registo (6.5 horas no momento da análise)
This game is SOOO much fun! I really can't stress enough how fun it is. It has become, perhaps my second favorite 2D platformer ever, (Actraiser II) still holds the number 1 spot. This over-the-top fantasy themed platformer has you taking on the role of Thurstan, a Conan like barbarian with spiky blue punk hair, who must avenge his family by fighting hordes of undead lead by a giant monster from the underworld. What else needs to be said? The story is super cheesy, the pixilated gore is fantastically over done, the action is extreme and relentless, the controls are flawless, and the atmosphere, level design, and enemy variety is spectacular. The closest game I can think to compare this to is the old arcade classic, "The Magic Sword," with some "Ghosts and Goblins" thrown in. I am very happy with this purchase and the ending promised a sequel that I look forward to if it happens. Be warned, the very last level is by far the most difficult level in the game and can get irritating, so play it in moderation. The platforming element eventually gets easier with practice. Thank you for reading my review of this great game!
Publicado a 8 de Fevereiro de 2016.
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14.0 hrs em registo
I've noticed that in the PC gaming community, any game ported over from android is generally disdained as beneath them right from the game's inception. Iesabel was another perfect example of this. Games ported from android are shorter, smaller, and simpler, but that doesn't mean that they can't be fun and provide a few hours of enjoyment. I enjoyed this game all the way from the finish. It was far from perfect and had some texture glitches, (nothing game breaking), but the story and soundtrack were good, the combat system simple, the controls spot on, the landscapes beautiful, and the enemy variety interesting. It's basically a budget elderscrolls. Some of the keys can be rebound, but not all of them and that was a big negative for me. Other than that, there's not very much to complain about here for the price.
Publicado a 22 de Novembro de 2015. Última alteração: 22 de Novembro de 2015.
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47.9 hrs em registo (47.0 horas no momento da análise)
Well, I'll say one thing for Chaser: You definitely get a LOT of game for your money, especially considering that I got it on sale for a little over a dollar. This game is perhaps the longest FPS I've ever played. I finally completed it on medium difficulty after 36 hours of gameplay, (I know it says above that I put 47 hours into it, but I started a new game with 11 hours already clocked in). In addition to being long, this game is also extremely difficult. In fact, you will find yourself quick saving and quick loading A LOT; over and over again to get thorugh many areas and still maintain enough health and armor to advance further into the game. I don't think it's how the developers meant for the game to be played, but it's what needs to be done in order to complete it.

Chaser is a very well done futuristic, sci-fi FPS with a bullet time mechanic that tells a very interesting story through well written cut scenes, has a good musical score, (particularly on the Siberian levels) and will take the player from a space station, to various points on the globe, and finally to Mars. Ammo and enemies are plentiful, and there is a terrific variety in both weapons and level enemies, from space soldiers, mobsters, ghetto trash and punks, to Japanese buisness men. All are out to kill you. There is one level fairly early in the game called "Kabir" that is in my opinion the worst mission in the game. You have to defend a truck from waves of enemies but they keep coming and coming relentlessly, and it is so difficult, that I actually quit the game and didn't pick it up to try again until several years later. Aside from that level, the game is pretty fun.

I recommend this game. As I understand it, it has quite a cult following, probably thanks to Inside Gaming's unfair treatment of it, (that youtube channel ripped apart some very brilliant games in my opinion - especially "Legendary"). But I will tell you that by far, the biggest flaw in this game is that there are WAY TOO MANY times in the game where you have absolutely no idea what to do. Ya, it's one of those games. Even after you've killed all the enemies in a level or a certain part of a level, you will almost always be wandering around forever trying to find that one tiny switch, or that one elusive ladder or hole in the corner that is too easy to miss, to advance into the next area. A few times there are level puzzels such as a board blocking a door that you have to shoot from a distance, so that you can open that door later in the level, but if you happen to not see that board, you will be wandering around forever trying to figure out what you're supposed to do. Every level of the game is basically like this and it gets old really quick. You will be scratching your head until you finally figure out what to do, or have to resort to a youtube playthrough. Also, I should note that the game has a very interesting twist at the very end with a completely unexpected ending. It's a challenging game that is best completed if, for nothing else, bragging rights. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Publicado a 20 de Novembro de 2015. Última alteração: 22 de Novembro de 2015.
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12.3 hrs em registo
In Exilium is a short but fun isometric action RPG in the same vain as Diablo, but with a minimalistic aesthetic that is somewhat unique. It has an above average soundtrack, some fun puzzles, (I'm not a puzzle fan, so my use of the word "fun" preceding the word "puzzles" holds some gravity) and interesting monsters to fight. Depending on how you invest your stat points when you level up, you can be a warrior, wizard, or ranger.

Like I said, this game is short. There isn't a huge variety in weapons/armor or loot, and what little story there is seems to be subject to player interpretation. After completing the campaign, I am pretty sure, although not certain, that the story takes place internally, within the mind and/or spirit of the main character. Anyway, if you're looking for a fun but short, casual action rpg, look no further.
Publicado a 14 de Novembro de 2015.
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8.3 hrs em registo (7.3 horas no momento da análise)
This very well done FPS reminds me somewhat of Crysis, but done first. This is a sequal, (actually a prequel) to the 2003 game Chrome, and explores the exploits of Chrome main character Bolt Logan back in his Specforce military days. In comparing it to Chrome, it is definitely the superior FPS, more polished and with much better shooting and game mechanics. The difficulty is also toned way down from the original Chrome, but to be honest, I think I enjoyed the original Chrome more because it had a much better story and way better character development that made me want to keep playing to see how the story played out. This game has very little story, no character development, and no cutscenes like the first game. What little story is told is told through mission briefings in a paragraph of text. I know what you're thinking. Who on earth plays an FPS for the story and character development? That is what RPGs are for. I can't argue with that. If a great FPS is all you are looking for, this is by far the superior game and is very well done. You will love it.
Publicado a 9 de Novembro de 2015.
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29.2 hrs em registo (27.8 horas no momento da análise)
Deus Ex meets Unreal 2, with a bit of Far Cry 1 thrown in for good measure. I was really impressed with this game, and it turned out to be a real hidden gem. It had a good story, decent, if not somewhat campy voice acting, good shooting mechanics, and I liked the characters. This 2003 FPS focuses mostly on very large, wide open outdoor environments, which makes sneaking up on enemies quite challenging, and the player is provided multiple ways and tactics in approaching a situation. I liked the "all guns blazing" approach, but there are a few stealth missions that force you to change your tactics. I completed this game on medium difficulty, and let me tell you it was tough! This is a very challenging, but also a very rewarding and fun game. It had one sequel, (actually, I think it was a prequel) three years later, but I'm sorry that they never did more with this series.
Publicado a 6 de Novembro de 2015. Última alteração: 7 de Novembro de 2015.
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27.1 hrs em registo
Wow, this game really took me off guard and blew me away with how fantastic it was. Of all its positive traits, the highlight was by far the story and character development. It had one of the most involving and well written stories I've ever played in a game, aided by very good voice acting and brilliant dialogue. It succeeded in emotionally involving me in the story and caused me to want to continue playing to see where it takes me. The combat system was average but enjoyable. The controls were responsive and the graphics beautiful. I was really impressed with the aethstetics and atmosphere that the game created.

In this third person action game, you will traverse a mythologically inspired Greece in search of the Oricle of Delphi and then the Golden Fleece. You will meet characters from Greek mythology and finally take the battle to Tarterus itself to battle the Blacktongues. You will fight monsters, debate philiosphy, choose gods, and earn divine powers, all for love. I hope you enjoy this gem as much as I did.

I need to address one issue. Many people, myself included, experienced lots of dialogue related crashes early in the game. It doesn't always happen, so if the game crashes to windows, try again and continue to try until you get past the beginning part without it crashing, (it may take two or three tries). The rest of the game is well worth it.
Publicado a 28 de Outubro de 2015. Última alteração: 28 de Outubro de 2015.
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198.0 hrs em registo (189.5 horas no momento da análise)
Wow, I just finished this game after almost 200 hours of gameplay, (197 to be exact). The game does not necessarily take that long to complete but I really enjoyed it and wanted to explore every dungeon, kill every enemy, read every detail of the story and lore of the world, and complete every side quest. Honestly, it could probably be completed in 140 to 150 hours. This very involved, isometric, action RPG offers a lot for your money and has a very engaging story. It takes place in a fictitious continent strongly modeled after medieval Europe, with a theological system loosely based on Roman Catholicism. The name of Jesus is changed to “The First Prophet,” but there are crosses and crucifixes decorated throughout the game.

Without giving away any of the story, you are a paladin, priest, or thief, (your choice) who is asked by emissaries of the Holy Mother Church to investigate a gruesome murder in the northern territory of Hillbrant. From that starting point, you are drawn deeper into a dark, heretical plot that goes all the way to the capital itself. An evil centuries old plot is underway that involves black masses and demon resurrections. Heretics are planning to summon Satan’s four chief demons into the world who in turn plan to reek chaos as well as having other intentions that I won’t give away. The story, while quite graphic at times, dealing with such issues as rape, necrophilia, Satan worship, torture, ect., is incredibly engaging and gradually unfolds and reveals itself to the player over the course of three acts, spanning three areas of the continent. Each of the three acts is nicely balanced between combat and story.

In the story part of the game, you act as an inquisitor for the Holy Mother Church and you need to talk to everyone in order to gather clues so you can determine who the heretics are. Once you gather enough evidence, you can extract confession by means of torture and then burn them at the stake. The combat system is, in my opinion, the weakest part of this game. It is quite clunky and initially, (until your character builds some dexterity) will result in the majority of your strikes missing. It takes getting used to as it is not as fluid as other action RPGs. But once you get the hang of it and you build your character, it is just fine. Fortunately, one thing you will not have to do in this game is grind for experience points and gold to build your character. Each of the three acts is divided into various areas that you must explore and clear of enemies. Once the enemies are cleared, you do not have to wait for them to respawn and repeat killing the same enemies over and over again for experience, (only a very small percentage of enemies respawn anyway). Clearing each area once will provide more than enough experience to build your character sufficiently to progress through the game. But keep in mind, this game is HARD. The battles are not easy at all, especially the ghosts and specters that are introduced to you in act II, (which require magic to beat – since I was a paladin and weak at magic, I had to use flame sword and seals) and the werewolves introduced in act III. You will find that fighting monsters in groups is a bad idea and most of the time you will have to resort to hit and run tactics where you slowly walk up to a group of enemies, lure one or two away from the group at a time, and kill them individually. If you are anything like me, you will be using that tactics for most of the game. Also, even though this world is strongly modeled after medieval Europe, they also mix traditional rpg monsters and mythology in the mix such as orcs, trolls, ect., explaining them as hellspawns, remnants of a dark and foreboding pagan world long since conquered by the true faith, or monsters summoned in black masses, ect. Of course, there are also plenty of demons from Judeo-Christian and gnostic literature as well. It makes for an interesting mix.

I found the magic system in the game to be impressive, not so much because it was terribly complex, but for the fact that a world modeled after medieval Europe, where magic would be considered heretical, would have a magic system at all. On top of that, there are in fact SEVEN schools of magic in the game, each one consisting of spells that are each given their own history and background, (as are all the items in the game!) If you choose to play the game by the rules as I did and be obedient to the Holy Mother Church, then there are four approved and sanctioned schools of magic that could better be described as feats of faith and divine intervention. There is magic of faith, magic of miracles, divine magic, and inquisitional magic. If however you choose to dabble in heresy, (at risk to your own soul), then you can also learn pagan, heretical, or the ever dreaded Luciferian magic. Playing as a paladin, I didn’t get to use too much of the later levels of magic, but what I used was quite effective in the gameplay.

So my assessment of this game is that it was very engaging, very involving, very well written with a fantastic story, and quite lengthy. Be prepared to invest some time into it. The mechanics of the game were quite rough around the edges and takes some getting used to. You will get stuck often, and when you do, the GOG and Steam forums will prove to be a God send. One thing that this game requires a lot of, (throughout the entire game but especially around the beginning) is that you carry LOTS AND LOTS of health, stamina, and (if you’re a priest) mana potions with you at all times. You will find that dungeon exploring consists of you getting as far into the dungeon as you can until you run out of potions, (which you will burn through quite quickly), making your way back to the surface, buying more potions, and progressing further into the dungeon. Get use to that cycle. Also, there are a few bugs in the game that have yet to be polished out, all of which you can find solutions for on the GOG and Steam forums. One bug in particular that effected some players, (including myself) involved a crucial NPC named Tinthan who is necessary to complete the main quest, not always showing up where he should be in act II, thus not allowing you to progress in the game. If that happens to you, it’s an easy fix that can be resolved by typing the following console command:

- Press ~ (next to 1)
- Type \addbeing_afriend Tinthan -1 -1
- Press “enter”
- You can also find the solution here: http://www.gog.com/forum/inquisitor/where_is_thintan/?search=Tinthan

This game has tons of atmosphere, lots of charm, and gives you many unique options and story driven tasks. Its soundtrack adds to the atmosphere very well and comes with the game. It sets the mood well and I even put it on my iPod. Throughout the course of the game, you will fight for or against Satan, defeat corrupt priests who sold their souls, perform exorcisms, summon the dead, summon genies, (save them for bosses – trust me), torture heretics, explore a continent, read a novel, and of course, (my personal favorite) rescue damsels. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and have fun.
Publicado a 17 de Março de 2015. Última alteração: 17 de Março de 2015.
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8.8 hrs em registo
This is a fantastic FPS that feels very much like Doom with a Boarderland's aesthetic. It is however completely unplayable, even on the lowest video settings due to it's severe framerate and lag issues that make it unplayable. To correct this, you need to disable the lighting and shadow settings in the "settings" option menu.
Publicado a 11 de Março de 2015. Última alteração: 17 de Março de 2015.
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3.0 hrs em registo
Wow, I finally beat this game. This is a very VERY well done retro, 8-bit style platformer. The best way for me to describe it is a hybrid of both the original strider with the NES version of Ninja Gaiden. It is very hard, but not cheep, and the controls are precise and flawless. There are six levels with three sub-stages per level, and honestly, I completed the first three levels without any real trouble. It's the later three levels where the challenge really shows. The secret to beating them is, (like most of the platformers of the day) lots of repetition and memorization of patterns. Even the hardest stage, (which in my opinion was stage five) will become easier after enough play, so don't get frustrated and discouraged. Just play, die, and repeat and you will see that the stages gradually become easier and easier until you can beat them. As for the story: it is very CORNY, but in a charming and (I think) intentional way. I loved it.
Publicado a 17 de Fevereiro de 2015.
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