Moo 6 окт. 2018 в 23:21 
I don't like Octane. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it whiffs everywhere. Not like Scarab. With Scarab everything is soft and smooth.
Moo 6 юни 2018 в 16:11 
All around me are familiar Octanes,
Worn out Dominuses, worn out Octanes.
Bright and early for their daily Rockets,
Going nowhere, going nowhere.

And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad;
The dreams in which I'm Scarab
are the best I've ever had.

I find it hard to tell you
cause I find it hard to aerial
when people drive in circles
It's a very, very
Rocket League World
Moo 23 май 2018 в 16:27 
BB: Buying that DLC, Scarab, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Scarab. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor. Promise me you'll score. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Scarab, and never let go of that promise.

Scarab: I promise.

BB: Never let go.

Scarab: I'll never let go, BB. I'll never let go. I promise.
Moo 11 май 2018 в 23:50 
Scarab: The Scarab is wondering, do you like Octane?

RLCS Pro: “Hnng why yes I—“

Scarab: It doesn’t matter if you like Octane! Because the Scarab has the millions... AND MILLIONS... of Scarab fans chanting “Scarab! Scarab!” every single night! Now let me ask this, are you a Champion?

RLCS Pro: “Why yes I—“

Scarab: IT DOESN’T MATTER if you are a Champion, jabroni! Because the Scarab is the PEOPLE’S CHAMPION.


*hustle brows*

Moo 27 апр. 2018 в 22:48 
You use the blue decryptor and the dream ends. You wake in your inventory and trade-up whatever you want to trade-up.

You take the red key, and you stay in Rocketland and I show you how deep the Scarab-hole goes.
Moo 24 февр. 2018 в 14:18 
You smell that? Do you smell that? Scarab, son. Nothing else in the League smells like that. I love the smell of Scarab in the morning. You know, one time we had a game in overtime, for twelve hours. When it was all over, I ranked up. We didn't get one of 'em, not one stinkin' Victory crate. The smell, you know that Scarab smell, the whole game... smelled like... Victory crate. Someday this game's gonna end...