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1 person found this review helpful
43.6 hrs on record (42.9 hrs at review time)
Turn-Based Squad Level Strategy w/ RPG elements

I have been playing GW products since 1988 when they opened up a store in my neighborhood. I have been a fan ever since. I own the previous version of Space Hulk and was happy with it, even enjoying replaying some of the classic missions. I was truly ecstatic when I first played Ascension. The RPG elements, the different chapters of Astartes (Space Marines) each with their own distinct feel and flavor and not just a different skin, and the atmosphere is great. Absolutely Great.

I bought it on sale but with all the content it is worth the full asking pricein my opinion. I even own the DLC which adds on alot more content and is fairly priced.

If you are a fan of 40k in general you will like this game. If you like turn based strategies you will find alot of fun and challenge with this.

To those new to Space Hulk or 40k in general the game can be difficult at times, the odds are always in the Genestealers favor (as is true to the classic board game). The difficulty can be tweaked i the options though.

It is worth mentioning that this is nothing like the previous incarnation of Space Hulk on steam. This plays alot better and more like a Video Game then a Board Game. Which is what was intendid by the Devs. There are also alot of tweaks available to enhance the experience.

I definitly recommend this game if you enjoy GW games in general. If you like squad based strategy games and/or the 40k universe you will be pleased with this game. Personally i truly love what they did to create the atmosphere and immersion. It is top notch IMO.

I would warn new players tho to go thru the tutorial, even experienced Space Hulkers since the experience and mechanics are totally different then previous versions of the game. In a good way, this plays more like a Video Game then like the Board Game version, and I am sure you will enjoy it.

EDIT: After playing some more I find that the close combat mechanics are even more brutal then the classic game. Even when you have a Lightning Claw equipped Terminator who in the classic game rolled 2d6+2 vs the Genestealers 3d6 usually did alright, and was useful as a kind of portable 'wall'. In this game they get beat ALOT.
EDIT2: After playing evenn some more I find I love the atmosphere, really a great job. The only complaint I have is that the structure and architecture of the hulks sometimes are too 'clean'. There should be more dirt and destruction. Also, I would LOVE to see them add all the things from the original tabletop version, like space marine captains (+2 CP, and their nifty auxilary grenade launcher) as well as genestealer hybrids (and the magus). It would add a whole new level of tactics if you had hybrids with lasguns/heavy stubbers/conversion beamers shooting at you. Also the option to use power armored marines who pretty much moved like stealers (6ap base, first 90degree turn is free).They aren t as well armored as terminators and are even weaker in H2H but they are faster and get flamers/bolters/bolt pistols/chainswords/plasma guns/missle launchers/heavy bolters/las cannons and they get grenades (frag/krak/blind). And finally bring in the chaos forces.Add all the older content that you could use/play in the original tabletop like a hulk that a chaos warband is using for its fortress infested with chaos marines/cultists/terminators/daemons and a campaign that has a genestealer cult ie alot of hybrids, a genestealer magus and regular stealers. Make it available as DLC and then you would have the BEST Space Hulk experience released to date. To be honest I think this is already the best thats been produced for PC. I know it can even be better. Just make it already so you can shut up and take my money!!!!!
Posted 6 March, 2015. Last edited 9 March, 2015.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
As a player of a variety of MMOs, I feel safe in saying Warframe is one of those rare gems you don't want to let pass bye. I have played DDO and IMO that game has some of the best combat mechanics. Every mouse-click or button push is an attack in real time. The same is for warframe. This 3rd person sci-fi shooter has so much depth and variety it's impossible for me to sum it up in a few short paragraphs.Those familiar to RPGs in general will be happy to know this game has many different classes which take the form of, you guessed it, 'Warframes' ie bio-mechanical suits that each have there own unique abilities. Some are melee drivin, some are sneak-thief like, some are magic drivin. What rally sets the game apart are the Mods. Mods are like collectible trading cards and you use them to modify your weapons and warframes and pets. Each weapon/pet/warframe has experience levels, the more levels, the more mods you can use. The mods themselves have levels which you can atain by sacraficing other mods to poer them or bu finding fusion cores. And last but not least there is crafting! you can find trade and or purchase blue-prints for just about anything, You come across materials in the various missions you run, and you can set up mining operations as well. And when you cap-out your weapons and armor at rank 30, you can choose to revert back to level one which alows you to configure your gear to accept more modsthen before. And it's also worth noting the game area is GI-HUG-ANORMOUS. (learned that word in public school, heh). so with all i mentioned before and the addition of random events thru out the game that take place randomly as wellas planned larger events, this game offers a long, wide experience into a 3rd person sci-fi aRPG.
Posted 11 November, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
30.7 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
Genre: Space Action/Adventure w/ RPG Elements
Personal Rating 7.5/10

Drox Operative is an interesting game in that is has Diablo-esque elements that appear in the forms and grades of loot drops (ie different rarities). You take the role of a Drox operative playing the role of one of several distinct races. Your objective is to win thru several different ways such as an economic victory, diplomacy, military might, etc.

You can set the game to have the play field small (such as a mere handfull of sectors) to very vast with dozens of sectors to explore. You start out in your 'Home' sector where you will encounter your first race. It is benificial to open up trade agreements with all you encounter at first; but as time progresses and lines in the sand are drawn you will want to work to forge an alliance with the most powerful factions.

You gain influence with factions by completing quests for them, protecting their planets and ships from attack and trading w/ them. You also lose influince by trading and associating with enemies of factions. Quests can range from assassinitaion to ferrying supplies. Planets can come under all kinds of pressure, from disease/famine/unrest and riots/zombie appocolypse/etc. Each of these problems requires certain cargo to solve so as you pick up the quest you can search the network on where to find the supplies to deliver.

One neat aspect I likes was the addition of random crew members. they can drop as loot and can be leveled up and assigned to your ship.

The game has difficulty levels from 1-100 so to reach higher levles with your ship you will need to keep starting over in new sectors and set the diff to higher levels. You also can invest points into your command skill which will unlock bigger ships for you. I personally liked it when I was able to install my first Fighter Bay. I recomend doing ths asap because it really helps having them support your ship. And let me mention all the other types of customization, from EMP pulses to computer virus' to fusion and nuclear mines and missles to all kinds of lasers and beams just to name a few. The sky is the limit when it comes to customization.

It's worth it to mention all the different encounter types you can come across, from Rogue Elite Mobs to wandering traders to abandoned ships to Minerable Asteroids and Rogue Comets and space pirates to name a few.

If you like Dungeon Delving (albiet in space) and space exploration and hack and slash button mashing combat, I would recommend giving this a try either for yourself or a 4pack so you and your friends can conquer the stars together.
Posted 29 August, 2014. Last edited 29 August, 2014.
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30 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
An Early Access Pre Alpha Game!!!

That being said if you love Elder Scrolls especially Skyrim and can't wait for an Elder Scrolls VI (not ESOnline, and actual ES6) and if you have the time and patience to help these guys develop a really nice game with a huge amount of potential then defenitely get this game. I've only been playing a little bit, and have already noticed a bug or 2 and had a crash, but I do really like this game and the potential it has. As I said before, this game can be truly awesome. Please, if you have the time and patience help this game to reach it's true potential buy buying and playing it.
Posted 12 February, 2014.
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23.3 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
I Like It !!!

At first i was undecided about buying this game with the mixed reviews. I didn't want another Diablo-esque buttonmasher. Then it went on sale (75%off!!!) and i got it. I was pleasently suprised to find it well worth it. The game to me is a cross between Torchlight and Resident Evil. The UI is simple yet detailed, the crafting system a mix of experimentation and recipe-finding, and the gameplay suspensefull. You will not be charging headfirst into mobs of zombies. Doing so will find you reloading often. You startout with barebones, picking one of three characters with varying stats. As you level you can invest points in skills to help you along the way. It gets a little easier when you finally start crafting some armor and weapons, but you still can get taken down by the swarms if you are reckless. You need to eat, drink, and sleep. At night tougher mobs spawn and there is the neat feature of using your flaslight or campfire to ward off certain mobs who are weakened by light.

In summary if you like zombie apocalypse and you enjoy games like diablo and torchlight, I would recommend getting this game especially if you catch the sale (I got it at just under $4.00US). It's witty and challenging, has replayability, and is worth checking out.
Posted 10 February, 2014.
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40.2 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
What a clever little game!!!

At first i was skeptical at the games simplistic look, but i was pleased to find it is anything but. With random levels, tons of enemies, items and crafting etc. it offers a nice experience for someone looking for a new game to love. The simplistic UI and graphics only add to the charm. The combat is simple but solid while still being a challenge. Death is but a tool in this game, which you will find yourself using often. ive only gotten to the second level so far, but I am hooked. Very glad i bought this game. And equally appreciative of the reviews before mine who helped me make the decision to buy this game. Now take my advice an get this game! You'll only regret not doing it sooner.
Posted 8 February, 2014.
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141.8 hrs on record (137.3 hrs at review time)
If you play 40k there is no excuse for not having this game. Go forth and purchase it before a commissar puts a bolt round in your brain.
Posted 23 January, 2013. Last edited 27 February, 2015.
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