Bressan 3 Apr, 2020 @ 10:38pm 
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
╭☞ ╭☞                      
\ . .\                           
\  . \                            
/ ╰U╯\
Lifeonmars 11 Jan, 2019 @ 12:09pm 
dã: ja disse que dependendo do preço, sim pq tenho interesse
Marcola Zona Sul 15 Jun, 2018 @ 10:45am 
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
Marcola Zona Sul 15 Jun, 2018 @ 10:45am 
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
Marcola Zona Sul 15 Jun, 2018 @ 10:45am 
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
Marcola Zona Sul 15 Jun, 2018 @ 10:45am 
A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dã failed to accept it.
lutie 17 Feb, 2018 @ 3:24am 
Olá, sou o Jélysson, diretor da Steam, esta mensagem é para informar a todos os nossos usuários que temos apenas 530 contas disponíveis para novos computadores, e que, recentemente nossos servidores ficaram congestionados. Então, nós estamos pedindo a sua ajuda para resolver este problema. Precisamos de você. Nossos usuários ativos devem transmitir essa mensagem para cada uma das pessoas da sua lista de contatos, a fim de confirmar os nossos usuários ativos que usam Steam, se você não enviar esta mensagem para todos os seus contatos, sua conta permanecerá inativa, com a consequência de perder todos os seus jogos. Steam se tornará pago, a menos que você é um usuário frequente. Se você tem pelo menos 10 contatos envie isso e logo se tornará vermelho para indicar que você é um usuário freqüente Amanhã começam a receber mensagens para Steam para 0,37 centavos. Envie esta mensagem para mais de 9 pessoas a partir de seus contatos Steam.
Lifeonmars 13 Feb, 2018 @ 9:09pm 
◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤
█▄ █ █▄ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬
╬═╬ Sobe que eu te carrego
╬═╬/ \
lutie 1 Feb, 2018 @ 12:34pm 
Massaro Myamoto 30 Oct, 2017 @ 11:17am 
lutie 27 Feb, 2017 @ 7:15am 
Por isso mande para 25 pessoas da sua lista essa menssagem... e irá aparecer a steam atualizada na sua tela!!!
Eu já fiz isso ...faça você também a sua parte!!!
𝟰𝗡𝗡𝗴 31 Dec, 2016 @ 7:38pm 
Feliz Ano Novo! Tudo de bom pra você :lol:
SoPhiee 26 Nov, 2016 @ 2:50pm 
putinha da steam, to de olho s2
bruno 29 Jan, 2016 @ 4:08pm 
dan: vou chupar uma dúzia de picas
dan: pra ocupar meu tempo
.spam 26 Dec, 2015 @ 1:44pm 
feliz natal amado
ALLAN 25 Dec, 2015 @ 10:33am 
Feljz natla dan putra
lutie 25 Dec, 2015 @ 2:02am 
Feliz Natal!
lutie 3 Dec, 2015 @ 5:08pm 
maluco doido, recomendo
rau 5 Nov, 2015 @ 10:28am 
rau 22 Jun, 2015 @ 10:52am 
A match was found for you, but Werley _\l/_ failed to accept it
rau 22 Jun, 2015 @ 10:52am 
A match was found for you, but Werley _\l/_ failed to accept it
rau 22 Jun, 2015 @ 10:52am 
A match was found for you, but Werley _\l/_ failed to accept it
rau 22 Jun, 2015 @ 10:52am 
A match was found for you, but Werley _\l/_ failed to accept it
2053 4 May, 2015 @ 1:32pm 
Lifeonmars 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:23am 
danilo : toda vez que vejo um negão na rua meu coração acelera
bruno 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
danilo : toda vez que vejo um negão na rua meu coração acelera
rau 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.
rau 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.
rau 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.
rau 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.
rau 25 Apr, 2015 @ 10:22am 
A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but danilson failed to accept it.
bruno 20 Feb, 2015 @ 8:33am 
Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.Wailson joined
A match was found for you, but Wailson failed to accept it.
bruno 8 Feb, 2015 @ 5:22pm 
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
bruno 8 Feb, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
bruno 8 Feb, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
bruno 8 Feb, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
rau 8 Feb, 2015 @ 5:20pm 
[AFK] ›dã bzg! foi kickado por ficar paradão
🗲poqq 19 Jan, 2015 @ 8:03am 
+rep fast and fair trade
ALLAN 4 Jan, 2015 @ 8:39am 
"dan" pokes you: diga, to sem headset pq to com caor
ALLAN 3 Jan, 2015 @ 9:02am 
A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.
ALLAN 1 Jan, 2015 @ 3:22pm 
ALLAN 29 Dec, 2014 @ 1:27pm 
A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.
grebz 29 Dec, 2014 @ 11:20am 
A match was found for you, but dan bzg! failed to accept it.
ALLAN 26 Dec, 2014 @ 3:39pm 
melhor dã br
Hipocrita 24 Dec, 2014 @ 9:15pm 
feliz natal dan ! tudo de bom
grebz 24 Dec, 2014 @ 1:03pm 
Feliz Natal :Ohdeer:
Que tudo de bão aconteça com você a partir de AGORA!
Beijinho e um forte abrasso :Ohdeer:
PS: rau : a gnt é estranho na internet, mas é amigo.
lutie 24 Dec, 2014 @ 12:38pm 
Feliz Natal!
Felicidades e continue sendo esse cara massa orgulho da titia!! :rayne:
PS: Tem pastel de Flango na sua ceia?
強烈的擁抱 24 Dec, 2014 @ 9:47am 
........( )
......./ /
....../ /
.. (_)(_ )

Mande este pinto para todas as pessoas que você deseja comer em 2015.

OBS: vc está na minha :csgocross:
強烈的擁抱 24 Dec, 2014 @ 9:46am 
Feliz Natal seu Japonês de merda :*******