
panzerwolf 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 1-10 項,共 61 項
總時數 2.4 小時
This is a short and cute game. Simple to learn, relaxing to play, perfectly casual. You can pet cats in it.
張貼於 7 月 20 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 3.4 小時 (評論時已進行 2.5 小時)
Decent game, but ultimately didn't compel me to play it further. There's a lot of grinding happening here and sometimes instructions are unclear or they don't just exist. If I'm left unsure what each card does or if I have to go online to look for information on how to do the quests, the game fails in explaining things to you.

Also, I wish there had been more of a selection with your starting performers. If I level up the ones I started out with, why would I feel compelled to spend my time to level up ones that I pick later? Just more grinding to do.
張貼於 4 月 13 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 4.6 小時
This is a very cute little puzzle game with very unique art. You can choose the difficulty of your puzzles, too. I chose just a moderate amount of challenge and I had fun playing and relaxing to the jigsaw puzzles whenever I just wanted to chill for a moment.
張貼於 3 月 16 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 1.1 小時
An innovative game with the way it is played plus an interesting plot for certain. It's a short game, but certainly worth your time if you'd like to try something entirely different. Great voice acting, too!
張貼於 1 月 15 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
2 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 0.3 小時
Yuuup, I think 15 minutes of this oldies tech demo is enough for me, thanks.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 31 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 2.7 小時
It's short and it doesn't always look the prettiest, but it's a solid little adventure game with a great mood. I love the setting in the Arctic and also the Lovecraftian feels. More games set in the Arctic would be nice. And more short and sweet point&click games.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 31 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 3.2 小時
It's fun enough, but once you realize that there's only a certain outcome with each card, it does get kind of boring and starts repeating itself a whole lot. Didn't have the patience to grind through all of the outcomes, but I'd still recommend it. Easy and fast to play.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 31 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 2.7 小時
A short little puzzle game with a dark story. Cool soundtrack and level design. There are plenty of hints throughout the game to make you understand what (might) have happened, but I felt the ending was a little bit disappointing.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 25 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 9.7 小時
Never played this on release so not sure how many bugs have been fixed. Can only comment on the campaign, which was mediocre at best. Not a lot of thrills here and you really can't tell Hicks is Hicks because he looks so weird. Somehow they got Biehn and Henriksen as voice talents for this, so the game's got that going for it, I guess?

I know I got more out of this than many other people might, since I've seen Aliens about a hundred times, so had that going for me.

AI is still horrible, graphics are no bueno and the plot is pretty stale apart from a few decent scenes.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 10 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 12 月 10 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 1.3 小時
Do you want some explosions in your explosions? This game has them. I really tried to get into it but it's the same old same old all the time. I also don't know why all the menus were made deliberately headache-inducing, but my eyes went wonky at trying to navigate through them.

If you enjoy this genre, it's a decent one, but for anyone else, can't really recommend.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 9 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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目前顯示第 1-10 項,共 61 項