Otter Yizz
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Created by - E.K and Scrux
No false promises here – these are SERIOUSLY CRISPY Oven Baked Buffalo Wings! The skin is so shatteringly crisp, it’s hard to believe they aren’t fried. Unbelievably easy to make, try this once and you’ll be converted for life. Watch the quick recipe video
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Saefir 3 Jul, 2020 @ 6:07pm 
m-more tiddies pics, pwease?????
Saefir 16 Mar, 2020 @ 9:23pm 
okay stalkers
Scrat 16 Mar, 2020 @ 9:34am 
why do i get notified when your profile gets a comment?
Shyloh 10 Mar, 2020 @ 2:18pm 
the truth is that i have a crush on you and i just feel like i don't have a right to do so since i don't even know you properly i mean i have no idea about your favourite food or your favourite animal and it just makes me so sad i mean it's really weird to have a crush on person who is almost completely stranger to me but hah i guess that that is the world of adults since people met at bars and online and stuff but i guess that when you meet someone online on some crappy dating site you at least know something idk idk im sorry i'm weird and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up and a mess and i really apologize for being creepy i never wanted to act like that and it really makes me sad since now you must think that i'm a creep or something well i am a creep but i don't want to be a creep but yeah im too weak so i can't really change myself and yeah okay bye
Saefir 1 Jan, 2020 @ 5:25pm 
Hery, I saw tht you cvommernterdf on my perodfiler. I'm so gladf peropler aer so opern to ther idfera odf gierls playing cvidfero gamers and, yers, i'df locver to play lerdft 34 dferadf 2 with you. Only I wouldf liker you ber in a cvoicver cvhat with you, I fdreak out siper erasily anfd neredf someroner to talk to mer to cvalme mre dfown :). I look at you perodfiler picvtuer, andf I cvan terll that youer an awresomerg, honerst guy I dfont know... mayber wer cvoulfd hacver somerthing... At night, I heraer a cvoicver in my heradf. A cvoicver that whisperers "Hato...". Ther cvoicver cvausers a tingly dfererling in my nercvk. Ther tinglres mocver dfown my bacvk, cvlimbing dfown my spincver until it ereracvhers my terndfer terndfer bottom. Ther tinglers stimulater my sphinvcterer andf dfoercver theruer way in. I blererdf perodfuserly. Oh dferaer Godf, I locver ther pain. It huerts so badf but I know Hato is insifder my terndfer terndfer ass. Whispering swerert littler nothings.
Scrat 16 Sep, 2019 @ 5:57pm 