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otter 29 дек. 2021 в 1:15 
thx for comment liaz,love&miss u :3
jjj 19 ноем. 2021 в 0:39 
               / ¯¯`フ
         , '' ` ` /       !   *fat fat*
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        ;          `ミ __,xノ゙、
         i     ミ   ; ,、、、、 ヽ ¸
      ,.-‐!       ミ  i    `ヽ.._,,))
     //´``、     ミ ヽ     (¯`v´¯)
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femboy twink 26 май 2020 в 2:18 
♥♥♥♥ yea bwotha. Just hiting up some countew stwike pwaying my favowite map dust2 and kiwwing evewyone adn they say youawe a hackew bwotha.! and i say im not i 'm just weawwy good and i headshot 5 of them and get repowted wow twust factow but it doesnt mattew becose no one can stop me bwotha just keep cwicking heads bwotha
nnnn 26 май 2020 в 2:08 
i wove pwaying video games and watching anime with my best fwiend ninim i hope u guys will be nice tuwu me and add me if we become fwiends
nnnn 26 май 2020 в 2:04 
hewwo thewe youw steam backgwound awnd pictuwe awe so cute, add me togethew awnd we cawn pway games togethew *stawts puwwing* see uwu own the battwefiewd
femboy twink 25 май 2019 в 20:17 
I know I ask U of this long ago but U no respond maybe can u now do war owl voice geeetjngs I the war owl geets u I still have no closer