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Скорошни рецензии на Oscar

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24.2 изиграни часа (21.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Fantastically fun game, can be really tense or really chill!
Публикувана 1 юли 2019.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
37.3 изиграни часа (34.9 часа по време на рецензията)
I currently have around 30 hours into the game and im level 26, which is a relatively low level, however theese are my initial impretions.
-Skyrim seems like a great game there is hundreds of hours of content, everywhere you go you just get more and more quests.
-There are loads of really cool things to do aside killing things, smithing, enchanting, houses, spouses, potions, getting all the books, etc.
- the feeling when you finish a quest chain is great: becoming a werewolf and gettign wuuthrad, becoming archmage of the college, leading the theives guild, becoming a nightingale, joining the dark brotherehood, and many many more.
- the combat can be slow going through all your items or spells looking for the one you want however it is really fun
-the world is large and different, without fast travel it would take hours to cross.

My only critisms of the game are:

-the proffession system feels kinda gridy and slow(making hundereds of iron daggers, only then to do the same with steels and dwarven, etc until you can finally make decent gear)
- the dungeons are poorley designed and feel repetative and dull (if i have to walk through one more mossy underground ruin, or run down dwarven ruin im going to stab someone, is no building in skyrim ever kept in shape! deralict, vine, rubble and moss free. there could be towering castles and large halls, and ruined cities and amazing scenery insted they are all just large underground tunnel networks to make it easier to design. there are no proper bosses, all the bosses are are just mobs with more health and stronger weapons, i feel like there should be tactics, problems mid fight, things to do which are not just; hit,kite and heal, and finnal this is topped of by the "puzzle" doors, so many whale, snake and hawk doors where the answer is in your field of view, it might aswell be unclocked as they could be solved by a 2 yearold... )
- the execute animations are awkward and buggy (i know this is pedantic but its just annoying the you do a cool decapitation execute animation and your other sword passes through your arm and the hilt of your main sword is used to slice your enemys neck not the blade... its just a shame)
- the crime and guard system is really odd (the fact that youre a fugitive in one area and innocent 10 feet away is just odd and that no matter how bad a crime you have commited aslong as you walk past a guard moderatley fast they wont even notice you, finnaly you can always just pay youre bounty, its very profitable to just steal things sell them and pay off your bounty which is only a fraction of the profit, if the bounty is too large you can just bribe a guard. and all of this is reling on getting caught... so standing next to a guard... and going through all the speech options, even if they do notice you, you can just click tab and walk away...)

aside from theese relatively small problems it is a great game and i imagine ill play it for along time in the futre!
Публикувана 14 юли 2015.
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