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Diposting: 7 Des 2019 @ 1:53am
Diperbarui: 26 Nov 2021 @ 4:41pm

Halo came back to the PC in a big way over the past year.

Slowly over time we got each game, they look great, and play great as always.
Halo 2 in Campaign on Co-op does have some disconnection issues, generally the first time you switch graphics.
Then some of the features they skipped on the first pass bringing the games got filled back in, and finally we had parity with the originals, Forge, Theater, etc

But then they went back and have fixed long standing bugs that came from Halo CE and 2's original PC ports. Keyes' wrong texture, broken bumpmapping, the broken transparent shader, all fixed. The missing foliage on Nvidia, messed up lighting in cutscenes, the fades between cutscenes, all fixed.

They've also refreshed the editing tools for CE and 2, and brought to the world the editing tools for 3, something not seen outside Bungo and 343. This is something I hadn't expected until the MCC's PC release.

Overall, 343 slowly but steadily gave us a new MCC that honors the original games, and on Steam no less.
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