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Nylige anmeldelser av 23Chris.Savage

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Viser 31–40 av 49 bidrag
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54.1 timer totalt (54.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
MAIN OPINION - I feel like Assassin's Creed series is moving in the right way. This is the best one out yet. I have played pretty much all the other AC games, but this one takes the cake. The story is okay, gameplay is decent and the game actually has some really interesting mechanics now. Runs bad tho.

PC PORT - Let me get it out of the way right now... this game runs awful. 1080p doesn't even look that good and still the port sucks. I tested this on various benches. My main PC (gtx1080ti, i7 7700k OCd, 32GB DDR4 RAM, Strix z270e) was able to push 90-130fps in forest areas and 60-100 fps in more inhabited places. But this wasn't on ultra. Still had to tone some things down. Don't get me started on the i5 6600k, gtx1060, 8gb ddr4 ram PC. I feel like that one is kinda the middle-class most common budget-gamer-build. fps was 20-30 in inhabited areas, 30-50 otherwise (lowest settings, 1080p). For me that's unplayable. Also tested this with my gtx 1080ti and i7 6700k (a step down from my 7700k). The difference was markable. This is a CPU heavy game. I don't recommend buying this if you don't have a enthusiast grade PC.

Thoughts right after finishing the game:
I enjoyed AC Odyssey alot. I have 53 ingame hours and I just finished the main story.
I'd say the game is well worth the money, because you get so much out of it.
There is still a lot of things for me to do (at least 20+ hours). But the game got kinda
repetitive for me, and im goinf to play something else for a few days. Got a kinda good ending,
not the best one, but im happy with it. The story was good/okay, gameplay was decent.
This is the best AC game out there (but the bar is not that high).
Publisert 19. november 2018. Sist endret 19. november 2018.
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22.1 timer totalt (12.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Have you ever played World of Warcraft? Well now imagine that
you had to play it offline and alone all the time. Yeah. Let that sink in.

I was promised an amazing co-op Monster Hunter experience.
That was a lie. Servers are so bad, that i've been able to play online
for 20 minutes (i have 11 ingame hours in total).
Publisert 14. august 2018. Sist endret 14. august 2018.
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0.3 timer totalt
Thank god for the Steam refund system.

-Movement doesn't feel like PUBG
-Guns don't feel like PUBG
-Should cost 0,99€/$ max
-It's just not enough

+ Theres only one positive thing taht I can say about this cash grab.
It might be good for somebody who is totally new to the battle royale scene
and PC gaming. But for anyone who has played PUBG for more than 20 hours...
this is just useless and a waste of money.
Publisert 15. mars 2018. Sist endret 15. mars 2018.
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81.6 timer totalt (49.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This is an example how games should be made. Love the company, the game and everything about the witcher universe. Can't wait for Ther Witcher 4. Or even remasters of 1 and 2 would be nice. 10/10. Best game I have ever played.
Publisert 28. februar 2018.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
38.8 timer totalt
The game is somewhat decent until it's compleated. If you are looking for a game like other RPG-s where you can bury 1000+ hours then this is not it. 9/10 people will not find pvp good enough to contiune playing. I loved it when i was leveling my character and doing all the missions, but when the story ended then you're just left with some avarage pvp shooter. There are many good pvp games out there, but this isn't even in the top 50 of mine. But if you're looking to get 30+ hours of fun with your friends then this is totally worth it.

So do I recommend it? No. It was a diasater when it launched. The trailer was straight up lies and we can see the usual ubisoft downgrade here. Story, graphics and map. I was exited for this, but this just disappointed me. I would give it thumbs up, but the overhyped this game too much.
Publisert 28. februar 2018.
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5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
129.7 timer totalt (123.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
If you're a time traveler then i recommend getting it when it launched. It was just so much fun, people were excited and it was really fun to talk to other people and learn the game together. Bought on the launch day, used to be fun, got worse with every patch. Zombies used to be somewhat decent back in the day. But they just changed them with every patch, and they relly are awful now. I don't see any reason to play this game. Would be amazing if the game actually changed, SONY sold this cuz they knew that it had no future. Hit me up if you change something.
Publisert 28. februar 2018. Sist endret 1. mars 2018.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
10.4 timer totalt (9.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Just do the 3 first missions and then refund, because you will be doing the same sh*t again for the rest of the game.
Publisert 28. februar 2018. Sist endret 1. mars 2018.
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7.5 timer totalt (0.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Like Skyrim, but worse in every imaginable way
Publisert 28. februar 2018.
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3.9 timer totalt
This is what you get when you can't afford WOW monthly payment and all the expansions
Publisert 28. februar 2018.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
513.1 timer totalt (346.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Random map que ruined the game.
Instead of accepting that people just don´t like some of the maps,
they are now forcing us to play the maps we hate?

PUBG is now like a restaurant, where you have 5 dishes.
Let´s say vegan, chicken, pork, steak and fish.
Let´s say im vegan.
But because the restaurant only serves dishes randomly,
I only have a 20% chance to be able to enjoy my meal.
Same goes for PUBG. I only like Vikendi and Karakin, but
im forced to play maps like Erangel and Miramar.

So, if I like 2 maps out of 5, I will only enjoy the game 40% of the time.
That´s just straight up bad.

Not to mentoin the game has a crazy hacker problem, still feels
like a early access title 4 years after the release.

Let´s face it. The only reason people started playing PUBG when it came
out was that h1z1 battle royale sucked.

So in conclusion, don´t buy the game. There are so many alternatives out
there that are free (Warzone, apex and even fortnite if you are into getting
rekt by 7 year old kids who build a 5-star hotel in 2 seconds after you
take a shot at them).
Publisert 10. april 2017. Sist endret 11. februar 2021.
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Viser 31–40 av 49 bidrag