Yo der!
已运行 6 小时
This game is SSSOOOoooo hilarious!

I find myself laughing from the second the game starts up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
And I laugh even harder when I actually play the game, especially if I play it the way it's meant to be played... With Friends!

The controls are quickly learned, although I'd recommend using some sort of controller, but it's just so simple - you can even play it with your most retarded friends.

Missing some sort of storyline?
Just make it up! - I can't imagine a scenario where a fox, a wrestler, a bear and a police officer wouldn't fight if they met each other in an elevator.

The game it self is just so deep... I mean... you can be a purple chicken if you want to, isn't that amazing?!?!

A game that just has it all!
Planet Zoo
Nørlund 2013 年 12 月 30 日 下午 2:21