
Recensioni recenti di Ωmeggga

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Game's good, the rampant cheaters aren't.
Pubblicata in data 15 settembre 2023.
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Pubblicata in data 12 agosto 2023.
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521.2 ore in totale (84.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Very rarely are you going to see a remaster that's actually faithful to the original. Even more rarely will you see a remaster that's not just faithful, but just straightup better.

Age of Empires 2: Definitive edition is, cheesily enough, the definitive way of experiencing Age of Empires 2 without question. Quality of life improvements such as seeing how many villagers are on a given resource, having the option to only select idle villagers, automatically reseed farms and rebuild fishtraps and queuing up actions with shift make a world of difference. With no need to have to micromanage every single villager you can now focus on what truly matters: your town and your army.

But if you're a beginner looking to learn the ropes of a game you've only ever heard about before then this is still the version for you, as it's just as easy to learn as the original.

Outside of the graphical quirks that come from a game having 2d units over a 3d background there aren't too many bugs. Sometimes a villager might get stuck in between the two houses they just built or bump into each other a lot when gathering resources but outside of those nitpicks across all versions there's not much to complain about.

All in all, if you're looking to dip your toes into the strategy genre for the sake of it, this is the game for you. It's cheap, it's easy to learn and still has plenty of depth in case you want to sink your feet, with campaigns for most civilizations to teach you their strengths and weaknesses.

This is simply a must-have.
Pubblicata in data 9 gennaio 2021.
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1,323.0 ore in totale (68.7 ore al momento della recensione)
Halo: MCC is a collection of Halo:CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach and Halo 4. The story revolves around the conflict between the human race and an alien conglomerate known as the covenant. But the tide of the entire war turns with the discovery of their object of religious obsession: Halo. But what is Halo?

I recommend starting from CE and playing Reach or 4 as the last games, else the story may be hard to follow.

As for multiplayer, while the weapon balance hasn't aged greatly, Halo introduced something that was quite new and refreshing to the scene at the time: Energy shields. Are you tired of dying to a standard rifleman in Battlefield because he got the jump on you? In Halo, energy shields block most headshot-capable guns from taking you out in one hit, allowing you the chance to strike back. In addition, spartans in Reach and 4 have access to armor abilities to better suit certain playstyles: From invisibility for snipers, to jetpacks for those who think in 3d.

Each game is worth ten dollars, but if you just want to try it out and see if it's a good fit, buy Halo 3. Halo 3s multiplayer is welcoming to new players while also having a high skill ceiling for veterans of the franchise.

All in all, if you're looking for something new, Halo: The Master Chief Collection may just be that something.
Pubblicata in data 18 dicembre 2019. Ultima modifica in data 24 novembre 2020.
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18 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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39.3 ore in totale (17.2 ore al momento della recensione)
Recensione della versione ad accesso anticipato
Well, when I saw this game on youtube I knew one thing for certain: The dialogue is stitched on but the gameplay is great.

I was not entirely wrong, as both the ending and the intro scene have characters with strange attitudes that fit with the overarching story like ass. Why Ada cares for Claudia is clear, as you can kinda-sorta sense an air of friendship between the duo, but why she cares for Dismas and Gestas, despite being called idiots several times is beyond my understanding. Not to mention we don't get an explanation as to why the hell Abel, someone whose character seems to be that of a mentor would ever give Ada such a powerful tool if he suspected she would use it the way she did.

On top of that any chances that could have been had to enhance storytelling are completely wasted. You see the corpses of your friends and instead of giving us a bit of background on why they mean as much as they do to the protagonist she just sighs and says "sorry this happened to you". This isn't necessarily bad per say, but it leaves so much to be desired especially since she gives the same treatment to Gestas and Dismas, both of which she has called "idiots", and as far as I can tell not in a loving way.

HOWEVER, the gameplay is fantastic. The fireball spell is good enough that it can serve you in most situations, but the plasma spell can do a really good job at crowd controlling, even if, at the time of writing, that's not much of a concern in the game. Teleportation spell seems like it can be the cheesy tactic that can get you out of most situations, and it indeed can be, SHOULD you learn to master it (and believe me that's easier said than done). Sorcery allows you to regain your sanity or your HP by either helping or killing the souls of the ones we damned. Shaft is a really powerful spell, but one that comes with a massive downside, as the ammunition for it is ridiculously limited (understandably so).

The soundtrack is nicely made and serves to enhance the atmosphere without ever seeming out of place. The only real quirk I have with it is, in particular, the soundtrack for the last level as when it loops it gives that little "Blum Blum!". I don't know whether this is intentional but it can startle the heck out of you.

All in all while the storytelling and narrative is by far the game's greatest weakness, it matters very little, if at all. Once the beta finally comes we're going to get a new story with new characters, rendering this story as a prequel to the main story.

Is it worth getting? This game is worth it's price, and then some. It's definetly worth a shot.
Pubblicata in data 30 maggio 2018. Ultima modifica in data 30 maggio 2018.
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