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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 29.1 год. загалом
Додано: 14 лют. 2019 о 15:00
Оновлено: 14 лют. 2019 о 15:16

Meh, I don't know what to say. This game isn't worth £49.99 let alone £82.99 for the Ultimate Edition.

  • The story is short and tedious, with barely any cut-scenes and 95% of it is just repetitive ''Retrieving cube from Replica'' it just feels lifeless. Even without much cut-scenes, most of the ones shown suck.

  • The ''free missions'' and ''key missions'' are just plain boring and the AI sucks no matter what mode it is on. Here is a tip, just break its guard and you win. It gets tougher but in the end AI is just AI

  • Online is okay, not a big issue for me personally but the game doesn't require skill since you can just be good by button mashing which is a big letdown. Also abilities and awakened abilities suck. You can just guard all of them except some sword abilities and be fine.

  • I run the game on Ultra settings and the graphics are good for the majority, after getting used to it though I don't see anything special but thats because I've been playing this game a lot during the 2/3 days of early access so it loses that feeling.

  • The character customisation sucks, the only positive thing I like about it is the hair selections. I'm a big fan of outfits but JF outfits aren't amazing in my opinion.

    The sole reason I'm even playing this is because I'm a weeb and I like the actual characters in the game and haven't seen my bois like Ichigo in a long while but having said that the roster is weak. They should really just fire the guy who came up with the idea of adding Kaguya. I could rant even more about many other things but I don't wanna waste my time anymore complaining. I wanted to give this game a chance but it disappointed me heavily.
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