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69.3 giờ được ghi nhận (60.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
still holds up
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 11, 2024.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
21.5 giờ được ghi nhận
It takes me about two minutes to reboot between linux and windows, but I'm sure aint rebooting for this game.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 11, 2024.
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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
16.7 giờ được ghi nhận
beautiful girls.
terrible game.
better off just playing warframe.

Ok, let's get into meat and potatos. It's been a month since I decided to abandon this game, so most of what I'm about to tell is said by memory.

The premise: this is a freemium live service game, inspired by (and heavily borrowing from) Warframe and Destiny. It's a sci-fi story that I could not figure out, but it's something about surviving in a world post alien invasion with reality altering devices as main goobers. And with some sort of betrayal story in between. Just another tuesday, you know.

The campaign: this out of the way first, it's so -b o r i n g-. If you've played Destiny, imagine that patrols, that one thing in the open world that nobody does until explicitly told to - IS the campaign. The loop is this:
1. You enter a part of a map (there's like a camp you can teleport into),
2. you talk to an NPC in the camp, 4 quest nodes open,
3. you complete those 4 nodes, which are more often than not, an activity like "collect 20 items from corpses"
4. move into the next area (which is divided by a loading screen) and the loop repeats.
Sometimes these loops are broken up by a recall to Tower, a small 5 minute dungeon or a 5 minute boss. Rinse and repeat. This formula kept happening in all regions/destinations I've been to, so I have no reasons to expect anything else in those I haven't reached.

Loot system: taken from Destiny. Guns drop like candies, 95% of them are going to be trash and will be dismantled without even equipping them. Guns have fixed base stats and up to 4 rolled random stat modifiers. These modifiers give you a boost to specific stat and then range from lowest to highest tier of stats, ranging from grey - blue - purple - yellow, so that grey stats have lowest percentages and yellow have highest. Random stats can be rerolled using a quite expensive item (in terms of resources that you need to craft that item), Guns have both level (like Destiny) which is determined when the gun drops, and can be infused (for another resource crafted item); and mastery (more akin to Warframe) which improves when using a gun. Mastery affects gun's mod capacity (exactly like warframe). See "mods" section...

Descendants: these are warframes, through and through. You get one starter, and all the other ones are built using 4 pieces, each requiring a ton of resources and a long ass craft timer. Parts blueprints are aquired from relics with just ridiculous odds ("gold rarity drop" is 3% unupgraded, 6% upgraded, ALLEGEDLY (some say it's much worse)). You can install mods on descendant. See "mods" section...
Ultimate Descendants: It's Prime warframes. These are better than base ones, as in all their stats are better. They also have alternative skins, and those are all over the place honestly. Like the famous Bunny, sporting a tight bodysuit in the base variant and a very revealing corset, almost a "bunnysuit" (obviously) in Ultimate variant. Contrast that to Viessa, whose base skin is hotter than Ultimate, and Gley who has no hotter variant. Male descendants, well, they are looking ok in all variants. But all that visuals aside (and I know it's gonna be hard to put Ultimate Bunny aside), the grind for Ultimate descendants is gonna take weeks for a single one of them. Or you can just buy that for 70 bucks.

Customization: In all my gameplay time I have not reached a point when I could paint my descendant or my gun. But from what I heard around the internet, the paint to change one color of any item or character is consumable, and is pulled from a lootbox. So if you want a Bunny painted in red, for example, you'd need to get lootboxes, pray to RNG gods to get specifically the red paint enough times to do what you wanted. That's worse than Destiny 2 shaders in 2018.

Ultimate guns: From what I gather these are top of the line guns, the analog to Destiny's Exotics and Warframe's Primes, and these do not drop. Instead, you craft them (from 4 parts, taken from relics<grind^1>), and then they roll those 4 random stats. Remember I said those have ranges? Unlike the guns that I've looted, which had different tiers of stats, some of which I had 3yellow/1purple, both of my crafted items had ALL 4 STATS GREY. They were all ass. So I'd have to reroll them seveal times, and then hope to get any good stats with good percentages<grind^2>. On top of that, the grind is not over yet. See, these guns are crafted as flawed items that are missing certain parts that improve their exotic intrinsic trait. And how do you get these extra parts - from relics of course. And more resources<grind^3>. Now with all that said and done, you still have mods and mod capacity.<grind^4>. Lets talk about those now.

Mods: So exactly like in Warframe, mods drop, you dismantle dupes, you improve the ones you have, improved mods have larger energy consumption (capacity requirement), and at some point you're gonna hit the capacity. What do you do then? Increase the capacity with local analog of the orokin catalyst/reactor (the potatos). Now I've personally have not found those in game yet, but people on youtube led me to believe that these are by far the worst part of the grind and I'd have to sell my soul for one of those, so let's assume they've exaggerated and it would only cost me my sanity instead. And you'd need those for every gun and descendant that you'd want to invest and build into.

And of course, everything I've said up until now can be bought for real money. Which is a whole other point of discussion, which I don't want to get into. My main problem is the simple truth that the game has been made significantly more grindy to incentivise user spending. And I would, honestly, I'm not opposed to paying for games, I've bought platinum in Warframe, I've bought Destiny 2 expansions and silver, it's just... when the game is this egregious about its monetization, it's almost offensive. And don't give me that "imma spend $60 once and treat it like AAA game", bro there is no $60 option, it's 50 or 70. And that 70 is gonna net you one ultimate descendant bundle, which is going to leave you with dozens more you're gonna have to either farm and grind for years or spend another 70, and then another 70, and then another 70... That first one is just and ice breaker, and then sunk cost fallacy will syphon even more money from you. Trust me on that, I've played Destiny 2 since release until Lightfall turned out to be a catastrophic release... And I've dropped Genshin.

Be wary, be smart. And if you decide to play this game, just think about how much time you spend against how much fun you're having, How rewarding the game is. If you're playing for the girls, you can always just go and mod Skyrim and Fallout 4 to have spicy armor, and have arguably better time playing good open world game that won't waste your time. Or, you know, Bunny is already on those sites, if you know what I mean.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 08, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 08, 2024.
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17 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
224.9 giờ được ghi nhận
Region locking a game 4 years after its release with its second DLC release is a very petty betrayal of fans. Gearbox is sc**, and Randy is greasy. Couldn't bear that his beloved game franchise turned into sh** and his movie spectacularly flopped in box office, so now he's destroying another game.

I am a fan of Risk of Rain since 2013. I used to love Hopoo games and Chris Christodoulou's music. I knew that Gearbox, like reverse Midas, would turn this gold into sh**, I just wasn't sure how. This is the answer. Delist/block sales of the entire franchise, RoR1, RoRR and RoR2.

I bought all games and soundtrack for myself, I've gifted several copies to my friends. I would do so every time. I would gift it to anyone who would ask me, because I always knew RoR is great. I want as many people as possible to experience it. I would gift that second DLC to all my friends. But you've spit in my face.

Gearbox, from the bottom of my heart, with utmost sincerity, with my infinite love for Risk of Rain. F U.

update: apparently, this patch also introduced a metric ton of bugs, just outright terrible items and a poorly animated "secret" character. Figures.
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 08, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 08, 2024.
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3.8 giờ được ghi nhận
Regionlocking DLCs because of third-party collab
Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 07, 2024.
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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
20.0 giờ được ghi nhận
a lot of interesting ideas, but poorly balanced, and performance even on 2020 beef pc significantly fluctuates between fps drops and even game/clock/tick lag in a singleplayer 2v2 skirmish when all players are close to pop cap. It was a rough experience. I hate to put a negative review, but I can't in clear conscience recommend this RTS when much more enjoyable, fair and fun games exist, released both before and after it.

About ideas: I really like the idea of drastically different factions, Starcraft was great in this regard, but grey goo's factions are just so much more inventive. Like you can build basically anywhere with Betas, given you build off of hubs and in vision; Humans have overcomplicated conduit domino bases; Goo has no bases whatsoever and can flow everywhere. But inventiveness is limited only to base building, when it comes to units, they aren't all that different between factions. And as cool as these ideas look on paper, Betas are a nuisance to play against (especially AI) because they will just fly in, drop a hub and fly away. Humans towers are OP AF, especially because they can teleport. And Goo aren't all that strong in the big picture of balance. And on top of that, units are slow and weak, and buildings are tanky. and if humans have 3-step heating up siedge laser units, betas have hard hitting siedge artillery, goo just lazily throws snot at building, with about the same impact. When I discovered goo's Bastion unit, I thought "oh, is this big boy an ultralisk kind of unit?" no, It's just an unarmed dumb*** who draws aggro.

Btw, mission status and goals are for some reason clickable and interfere with unit selection/orders.
Btw2, when playing ultrawide, the bottom console is scaled up to fill basically the entire bottom half of the screen. Turns out to be a problem when controlling Beta's epic unit who can build other units. I didn't bother lowering resolution, so that might not be such an issue if you have 16:9, but it made me think, maybe bottom console should've stayed in 2001 Starcraft1, and a sidebar should be the standard instead for non-4:3 screens.

Campaign... is either shockingly stupidly designed (the first Human mission is on hidden timer, when you're trying to figure out a build order and how to even build these conduits and factories) or utterly boring (the Goo act is the worst offender here, its a g****mn slog to go through). First Goo mission is a stealth optional mission, and I couldn't reach tanky AF destructible debris from obvious highground and had to just storm head on. The last mission had the worst objective I've seen, hold 3 structures with Mother blobs simultaneously for 5 minutes against enemies basically spawning on top of your units (if any Mother blob is killed in process, timer resets back to 5 minutes), then leave completely unhindered. And if that sounds subjective, keep in mind only 9.8% players completed base campaign on any difficulty. This is a rare glowing achievement.

The DLC continues this trend. the first map gives you a special unit, Singleton. Oh cool, I thought, a hero mission, that's a first one in GG. Turns out, Singleton is a melee unit. o... kay? The mission is against Goo (who slow and absorb enemies in melee). Wait, hol up. The mission is ESCORT this one unit through a spiral to the middle. Ok, it's not that hard but it's a terrible idea. And remember I said units are slow and weak? Well Singleton is basically useless in these conditions, his only saving quaility is that he has a good hp pool.

DLC mission 2 is Goo stealth again (limited units, find more units in specific places), this time stealth mandatory, against hidden timer again (roaming enemy patrols find those specific places and destroy them), and final stretch is just either storm the walls with mounted units, or try to slip around enemy base. both of these spell doom for your insignificant unit numbers, and then there's another wall that you need to destroy. It was at this moment when I was just done, it was alt+f4 uninstall for me, can't be bothered.

DLC faction seemed strong, at first glance. Good mobility, buildings can be empowered by "pylons" that turn into turrets. Epic unit looks fun.

One thing I can't deny, Frank Klepacki made some good music again. Swear to god, this man never missed.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 01, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 11 Tháng 01, 2024.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
115.5 giờ được ghi nhận (45.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The best simulation of a real DnD experience of scheduling, postponing and waiting for that one day in a month when you probably can play for like 4 hours
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 11, 2023.
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4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
FLACs, ladies and gentlemen.
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 11, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
41.5 giờ được ghi nhận (2.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
As a fan of RoR1, this slaps
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 11, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
Pros: Cool expansion.
Cons: Abrupt end.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 10, 2023.
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