thuglord 9000

Literally so swaggie I had to be at the top. Yung money, bathe in cash. Drop it like an earthquake, lemme see that ass shake yo. But you can't twerk and we all know it.

bind l "say BUBBLEBUBBLEPOPPOP^o^ ♥"

­Mista Popo : jay is too good

*DEAD* Vitality : thats confirmed toggle
*DEAD* Vitality : hacker

*DEAD* Porphroid : Nice hacks lmao.
*DEAD* Porphroid : Get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reported
● jayx2 : k
*DEAD* Porphroid : again.

KFC : nice bhop script jay
KFC : no way to get there that fast

*DEAD* Duxul : bs
*DEAD* Duxul : u ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
*DEAD*(Terrorist) Agemennon : ones awping one has a p90
*DEAD* Duxul : r u ♥♥♥♥ srs right
*DEAD* Duxul : now
*DEAD* Duxul : no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way
*DEAD* Agemennon : I'M SRS M8
*DEAD* Duxul : u didnt even stop running
*DEAD* Agemennon : SO SRS
*DEAD* Duxul : and u hit me thru the concrete wall
*DEAD* Agemennon : GRAHHHH ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SRS
*DEAD* Duxul : wtf
*DEAD* Duxul : i mean
*DEAD* Duxul : t

*DEAD* shift : Lol carried by a cheater gg

*DEAD* Scout : walling jay
*DEAD* Chucker, Spear : haha
*DEAD* Scout : lmfao

*DEAD* 無聲 | Mean Bean : k9 hecks
無聲 | Mean Bean : gg ezaay

Spam✌ : Kay9 rank?
● kay9 : silver 1
Spam✌ : silver 1= Global

Jack Kerouac : oh, sure goosie

Mark $h@nk : why is gosie at every site we go?
● gosie : bc ur gay

*DEAD* Rev^ : nice walls gosie
*DEAD* Rev^ : so blatant lol

Skillet : you shut up you no hat ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

SALTYG33K : you should play for c9 not k9

LUCIFER : Jessica you female?
Jessica-後輩 : yes
LUCIFER : love you
Jessica-後輩 : ok

*DEAD* noiz@your sister's : jessica if you where a cat
*DEAD* noiz@your sister's : i would hate you

| Phasing Orbit : jay..........why the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ do you having a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ private profile
[SCG] FliX : lol
jay : ?

The Silver Surfer : hax
| Phasing Orbit : no reason for it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* Cha Boii <3 : smurf jay?
● *DEAD* hi im jay : idk

*DEAD* Ryan : Jay is beating my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ inside and out
*DEAD* Mailman : lol

Ares_ : your hacks must help the carry

Brizzant : nice hax unnamed

RyA : you are hacking or you are the best cache player in the world ?
RyA : the awp guy
RyA : toxic i think

SexyDög : qt is a cheater
(Voice) A_Duck: MEDIC!
deadagain [gunz whoooo!!] : yep
(Voice) A_Duck: MEDIC!
qt 3.14 > you #noclothes : yep
(Voice) fertifo: MEDIC!
-ßЯҢ- Drink [SG] : yep
deadagain [gunz whoooo!!] : yep
SexyDög : dude qt is a hack wtf
-ßЯҢ- Drink [SG] : qt you never told me you're a hacker :(

*DEAD* Jimson [SG] : aux I know that's u

: *DEAD* iml : Lol qt you are too blatant
*DEAD* iml : miserable little cheater

*DEAD* The Singing Clam : kaynine all the running/jumping headshots are sketch bruh

*DEAD* SilentH : k9 those prefires werent real

*DEAD* Fonax #RIP (trading a HANU) : how you get tetris that fast?
k9 : i walked
Fonax #RIP (trading a HANU) : you all know how to bhop
Fonax #RIP (trading a HANU) : lol

*DEAD* JODY HiGHROLLER #BRICK : rofl the walls

r1sky : thats sad
Zygarde : woot
r1sky : a sniper rekts the whole team

luismi : stuipid k9
luismi : ♥♥♥♥ u

xX-Santi-MLG-Xx : nice aimhack

CR4YCR4Y : that scout is basically half their teams defense, he's really good

*DEAD* SEVENTEEN : deft how da ♥♥♥♥ do you get behind me so much

Mr. Sandvich : Deft2 has a hack.
[deadagain tells him to switch to blue]
Mr. Sandvich : Not when deft2 is on red.
*SPEC* Mr. Sandvich : 2 hackers in 1 game!
*SPEC* Mr. Sandvich : Da ♥♥♥?

Ldon B'Nut : i blame our engis
deft2 : i blame ur mom
Ldon B'Nut : iblame ur aim

*DEAD* CockaSaurasRex : your a hacker
CockaSaurasRex : deft2

*DEAD* RebornImmortal : deft2 you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* RebornImmortal : just saying
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : nice hacks
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : bro
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : lol
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : so bad
*DEAD* deft2 : ur garbage
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : so bad
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : dude
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : I am watching you
Derpy Hooves : is he cheating?
*SPEC* RebornImmortal : you are blatently cheating

*SPEC* Slagethore : pretty sure deft is hacking kick him

*DEAD* Wrecking Doge : Oh look, an arrogant ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sniper
*DEAD* Wrecking Doge : Like he's 'good' or something
Wrecking Doge : You're ♥♥♥♥ for being so in love with yourself
Wrecking Doge : RED kick that ♥♥♥♥ wrenching ♥♥♥♥ stain

[All] RX-betaCHZ!: deft2 is hacking... sitting and waiting on every corner... walls
[All] [Nuke]Forever Spaghetti: deft2 is so annoying...
[All] Lick Mike Hunt: u have solid proof that hes hacking
[All] [CV] Dr. Hyper: deft youre a ♥♥♥♥♥♥..spawn campaing. all you can do?

[All] [ScG]BlueKnight: hacking ♥♥♥♥♥
[All] |-sMoKe-|: deft2 = cheat
[All] |-sMoKe-|: reported

[All] [FROG]A.BeautifulDeath: ♥♥♥♥ you deft

[All] Kurnik: deft ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
[All] deft: stay mad
[All] Kurnik: your aim is perfect
[All] Kurnik: what the ♥♥♥♥ defr

humblias617 : Hentai great sniping!

Harvey Lampoon : Is Jessica really a girl?
He-Man : either ur a hacker
He-Man : OR
He-Man : u r 1 really guud snipe m8 :)
Harvey Lampoon : I've a feeling Jessica is hacking becaue earlier I didn't understand how she got some of her kills.
Kirbymstr5 : if you thinks he/shes hacking then just leave
Harvey Lampoon : She's either very highly skilled at sniper or is using an aimbot.
Harvey Lampoon : Jessica's pretty good isn't she?
☆Hebby : it isnt she
Princess Kenny {LINK REMOVED} left the game (Disconnect by user.)
☆Hebby : its called hacks from
Harvey Lampoon : Jessica is best sniper I ever seen on this game.
Harvey Lampoon : Jessica is the best sniper I ever seen on this game.
☆Hebby : dude. stocks, plus
☆Hebby : well
☆Hebby : hacks I suppose
*DEAD* He-Man : ...
*DEAD* He-Man : nice shot
*DEAD* jessica : thx
*DEAD* He-Man : y dont u celebrate with a tall glass of bleach

*DEAD* Brandongl : nice one deft
@NorwaySpiral@ : nice shot deft
Captain Gickers : deft are you a girl
Captain Gickers : i wont let you down deft
Captain Gickers : deft i want to ♥♥♥♥ you with my big 7 inch ♥♥♥♥
Captain Gickers : into your pink ♥♥♥♥♥
bagpipes concert : deft! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

OpticSkies : Deft Im going to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MURDER YOU. *lalalala*
*DEAD* NJB5073 : Oh no, I have been.... deft-feated...
*DEAD* NJB5073 : hahaaaaaaaaa
*DEAD* gummibearbreeder : deft aimbot...
*DEAD* Darknayse : hows that hack workin for u deft
*DEAD* Darknayse : killin the script kiddie

●Shinsuke Nakamura● : wellyea but still that sentry but gg deft
*DEAD* ●Shinsuke Nakamura● : WHAT
*DEAD* ●Shinsuke Nakamura● : WTF
*DEAD* ●Shinsuke Nakamura● : HOW
*DEAD* deft : such a nice gun for such a ♥♥♥♥ player

*DEAD* And Ham : just cause ur good lol
Eragon : because deft is good
Eragon : be like deft
r2mich2 : deft is good
r2mich2 : believe mew
Eragon : don't ♥♥♥♥ talk
r2mich2 : i have tits


Arctic Harpy : i would like to analy rape that scout with my penis wraped in a condem coverd in spikes
deft : i hope you don't miss that too

ThievingWolf : deft had the crit rate of a kritzkreig swear to god
Arctic Harpy : i kind of hate that i main demo/soldier cus scouts are the bane of my exstience
*SPEC* ThievingWolf : hes using silent aim where his bullets go to the closest target
ThievingWolf : even defts profile shows chat logs when people saw he was cheating
ThievingWolf : i spectated you and recorded it dud

*DEAD* Toonfire : Can someone please kill deft

*SPEC* Shadows : maybe he's not
*SPEC* Shadows : but it looks sketchy
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Mikki 26 ott 2019, ore 19:48 
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MaryMamy 25 ott 2019, ore 16:29 
HI! - We inform you that in a random selection of Steam ID64 using the site!
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And to identify the winner use your code:_>BSk6w<_
And after using the code, an offer with a winning item will be sent to you immediately.
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★Magnetic Hat Protector Corona Australis

★Unusual Merc's Mohawk - Unusual Effect: Burning Flames

★Electric Hat Protector Corona Australis

★Unusual Killer Exclusive - Unusual Effect: Scorching Flames

★Atomic Corona Australis
Ciel 15 gen 2019, ore 17:48 
21 lug 2016, ore 13:37 
+rep girl gamer
Oof/Milk 23 dic 2015, ore 6:49 
Nice Meme Friend.
Notepaddy 25 nov 2015, ore 17:08 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hacker piece of ♥♥♥♥ i hate you so much but the ♥♥♥♥♥ game ridiculous