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8 dari 14 (57%) pencapaian didapatkan:
Pencapaian Pribadi

Store Name

Name your store
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 8:51pm


Sign a New Contract
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:05pm

First Order

Make an order
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:37pm

Set Price

Set a price for the product
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:06pm

Open the store

You can open or close the store by clicking the Open/Closed Sign at the entrance.
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:06pm

First Checkout

Complete the Checkout
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:08pm

First day

Complete a day in your store
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 3:20pm

Level 5

Reach level 5
Didapatkan pada 17 Des @ 4:10pm


Hire a worker


Expand your store

Level 10

Reach level 10

Level 15

Reach level 15

Level 20

Reach level 20

Level 25

Reach level 25