Wholesaler [24/7]
If you have any questions, run into some issues with my bot or just want to discuss any of my other services that I am offering you should leave a comment on this profile and I will respond asap.
Most errors you will encounter with my bot is an error on steam, and not on my bot. More often than not you will just need to wait a bit until trying again. Steam servers are known to be unreliable so please consider trying again before contacting me in any way. Another very common issue is items being traded away in another trade. This is not something I can help with so just try again! Thank you for reading and thank you for using my bot. Hopefully you will come back :)

All trades are final. I will only issue a refund should my bot happen to send the wrong amount when you use commands. Make sure to doublecheck every trade you do to save time for both of us. Thank you!

My marketplace shop [marketplace.tf]
Wholesaler 2 [24/7]

記録時間: 5,151 時間
3月13日 に最後にプレイ
Estaño 5月24日 16時10分 
Micout | Likes Mixed Offers | 2月22日 9時22分 
Thank you dude :)
Sprekt 2月22日 9時14分 
Micout | Likes Mixed Offers | 2月22日 9時07分 
Hello. Bot's invetory full again. Please solve the problem
Lobotomy 2月19日 6時23分 
Hey,i was wondering why the bot keeps declining my trade request that consists of "haunted manneater" for 51 ref,as it says in the buying orders on backpack.tf.