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Publicada: 14 mai. 2023 às 9:55

For a third person shooter, this is a really good game. I normally can't stand third person shooters but for a free game, you really can't complain. So far I'm having a lot of fun learning the operators and maps, and after 3 ish hours of game play, no one has been anything but nice to me so honestly a W community.

There is a few things I don't like with this game but they aren't anything too serious yet.

The first is the anti cheat. If you ever feel useless in life, just remember Easy Anti Cheat is a thing. Absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, It basically does nothing but sell your data.

The other thing I don't like is the Premium booster. Just make the operators less of a grind, and it won't be needed. I understand it's a good way to make money, and If you want to buy it go ahead, please support the devs this is a good game, but I personally will never buy it. I'd rather buy the DLC in the store or cosmetics but that's just me personally.

I think if I had to rate it, I would give it a solid 7.8/10. I'm excited to see how things will change
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