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스크린샷 전시대
nearly top 30 NA season 2 premier
csgo 󠀡󠀡hackusations and hate comments :(
red Mar 1 @ 6:29pm worthless cheater that thinks an inv of 12$ is worth something
Mike Nov 25, 2023 @ 12:49am cash app $1000 to anyone on this mf to send me this kids addy
bwom 8 minutes ago i think u should get admitted to a mental hospital if u get a dopamine rish from cheating in a video game
RAYGUN 11 hours ago
id rather be a failure at life living in the basement of my parents home than a cheating moron.
[ALL] ● MrFox老板‎: obva is a cheater, pretty sure
[ALL] ● .nach0-s [DEAD]: stay 1600 elo
[ALL] ● Assistance‎ [DEAD]: nice bought acc and default skins obva
[ALL] ● eXce!!eNt [DEAD]‎: bruh even ai vac aint gonna be fooled lul
[ALL] ● Spudz‎ [DEAD]: how long til u guys spin this time?
[ALL] ● Viprite‎: the hacked commendations and 1 year old steam account that was definitely purchased is crazy
[ALL] ● ♤SASUKE UCHIWA♤‎: get better walls\
[ALL] ● Egg‎: a premade faceit 10 is crazy tho
[ALL] ● FARTENHEIMER‎: legit website
[ALL] ● MaTriick‎ [DEAD]: u bought a botted account
[ALL] ● kplax‎: you also have 500 commends you freka
>ᴗ< 4 minutes ago
ur talking ♥♥♥♥ when ur id is "obva" XD
[ALL] ● .nach0-s‎: yeah i looked into it, youre just worse at cheating than him
[ALL] ● PARAdOX‎: "we're from siege" jk we just cheat cs
[ALL] ● klip‎: obva if i woke up tomorrow as you i would kill myself
[ALL] ● BeaKiew0w‎: bro im autistic and im telling u rrn
[ALL] ● node: there is viral video of no name walling
[ALL] ● Its Chrome: fake ass account
[ALL] ● trying a new mouse sorry‎: obva you blow
[ALL] ● Quantumist‎: nice queue cheats you got there
[ALL] ● Quantumist‎: who do you pay to get a queue like this lol
[ALL] ● Quantumist‎: gg paid queue
󠀡󠀡rust hackusations and hate comments :(
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147시간 플레이
i spank my willy to this game
Slowddancing 2025년 3월 8일 오후 5시 08분 
no way people think this kid is cheating. just went 3/16
xi jinping 2025년 1월 22일 오후 12시 34분 
hacking and still horrible lmao
blunter 2025년 1월 15일 오후 2시 37분 
buddy is free elo lol
𝔼𝕢𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕫𝕖 2025년 1월 11일 오후 5시 42분 
+ rep great player high skills :ConfederateArtillery:
vamp 2025년 1월 9일 오후 9시 05분 
are you mental, im duo with no name lmao
Fatlectronic 2025년 1월 9일 오후 9시 04분 
garbage qs with waller CoLT