nato   Ireland
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realm júl. 16., 8:16 
lemme know when i play u again so i can crash again :)
Gotcha júl. 15., 15:01 
+rep top tier demo
Gotcha júl. 15., 15:01 
how are you gonna come here and cry about being tunnelled, when you came off hook, stood there pointing at the hook (whilst streaming may i add) and then you get beamer saved and do the exact same thing, you need to grow up mate
Edgar the bug júl. 8., 15:47 
+rep good survivor
会Tengu Radzin斯 jún. 20., 14:05 
-rep душный ман
Finnyjim jún. 8., 19:44 
-rep tunnels like you wouldn't believe hold the L