Matt Jager   United States
I upload video's to Youtube everyday!
Ishnnaya 22 feb 2021, ore 2:16 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
Tweety 23 gen 2021, ore 10:25 
Questo commento non è stato ancora analizzato dal nostro sistema di controllo automatico dei contenuti. Verrà nascosto temporaneamente finché non verificheremo che non abbia contenuti dannosi (ad esempio, link a siti web che tentano di rubare informazioni).
-=MC Galaxy 13 set 2020, ore 19:56 
I miss watching your videos man, got me through alot of tough situations. I really wish I could go back in time and watch them all over again. You were the reason I started my youtube channel fr and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for the good memories man, wish you the best - Galaxy
zflok 28 feb 2020, ore 2:42 
Do you want ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥(100$)? Then watch this video and enjoy -
RyanHasASmallD!CK 16 ago 2017, ore 7:59 
hey im from your video you said for me to add you to play bo3
super blood clot man 30 giu 2016, ore 15:55 
add me ily and u know it ;)