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23.1 hrs em registo
This game is not a city builder in the conventional sense. Each town you build is only around for an hour or so at a time and then you move on to the next one. It's not about optimizing at all, it's about dealing with what the RNG gives you and adapting to stuff that comes up.

I would say it's the equivalent of strip mining with a city building mechanic as the main interface to the game. Your job is ONLY to get reputation and leave, and you get reputation by farming resources. As soon as you've accomplished your goal, you move on to the next town.

Everything in the game is designed to be moved around at will. You can move buildings freely and re-assign workers whenever you want, and you need to do that to accomplish your goals. So if that all sounds like your jam, you will like this game. You will NOT like this game if you prefer to stay with one town and optimize it - cause there's nothing to optimize. You get in, suck the land dry, get out. Basically you're making temporary mining towns for the entire game.

The game can get frustrating with micromanagement and watching timers. You have to juggle things by moving stuff around a lot. I think the biggest improvement this game could make is its interface. It needs more stuff bound to hotkeys. You have to rely on the mouse a lot and it's annoying. Yeah there are some hotkeys already, but this game absolutely could use more.

If your favorite part about city builders is the beginning of each map and you enjoy the resource-gathering aspects of strategy games, you'll really like this game. If you want to build giant megacities, you will NOT find that in this game.

It takes some getting used to and there are a lot of mechanics, but I recommend this game. Once you get into doing the Seals and harder difficulties, the game is most definitely not chill, and can actually be kind of stressful (then it starts to feel like an RTS, but instead of moving units around, you're moving buildings around and assigning workers), so the start of the game on Settler difficulty can definitely give you the wrong impression that this game is a chill easy time. It's not, and it's not supposed to be.

I would say that this game is a strategy game way more than it is a city builder.
Publicado a 30 de junho.
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22.6 hrs em registo (2.2 horas no momento da análise)
*Pee-wee Herman voice*
This is crack.

Combine video poker + a deckbuilder and you get this. Creative and addictive. Great art style and aesthetic.
Publicado a 22 de fevereiro.
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190.6 hrs em registo (107.4 horas no momento da análise)
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Has helped me meet amazing people and make awesome friends. The alternatives in the market right now suck in different ways. Anti-cheat has affected me almost none, and I'm on the very borderline of what is considered acceptable hardware for VR. (AMD RX 580 8GB, Ryzen 1600)

My stance on the anti-cheat decision changed a lot when I was informed that the majority of bug reports both to the devs and to various VRchat user-created worlds were from modded clients. My circle of friends who spend lots of time in VRchat were minimally affected by the addition of the anti-cheat.

Could this game be better? Abso-effing-lutely. But it's come a long ways and is the best option available right now.
Publicado a 20 de agosto de 2022. Última alteração: 20 de agosto de 2022.
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18.3 hrs em registo (10.4 horas no momento da análise)
The best BR on the market. Difficult but fun, amazing gunplay, matches don't last more than 20 minutes on average. And if you just wanna shoot, there's a 3v3 Arenas mode that's also really good.
Publicado a 29 de agosto de 2021.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
6.4 hrs em registo
In six hours, I got to experience ten years of a childhood that I never had. I was whisked away to a life I wished I could have lived, with a supportive and loving family, with parents that loved each other and supported who I was. I got to experience having a crush without feeling ashamed of myself, a friendship I never could have as a kid, and no one was there to tell me that I was wrong for being who I was. I had a relationship I have only ever been afraid of having since I was a teenager, and the people around me supported me. For those six hours, I was in a better place.

Near the end I was welling up and after the credits rolled I bawled my eyes out. I was given a beautiful glimpse of a life I have only dreamt of since becoming comfortable with my sexuality. I got to be a kid again, and I got to do things the way I wish I had done them, and the way I would never have been able to do them. Not all of us gay folk are lucky enough to have been raised by two loving mothers in a progressive California like the main character in this game has, and... I won't lie, by the end I felt a bit resentful. I was reminded of how much I had missed out on as a kid in my own life. How much I wasn't allowed to do, how much I had to lie to myself, how much pretending I had to do.

I have never played a visual novel before and I was gripped to it the entire time. The writing was so beautiful and the whole thing was incredibly emotional. It's a romance without being sexual, and while the focus character, Cove, is what the game revolves around, your love with him is optional and is not forced on you in any way. Nothing feels forced and you're briefed on the options you have and how your decisions will affect how things play out. It just seems to do everything right.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to make anyone feel bad for me or anything. I'm just saying... if you're a gay/queer person who never got the opportunity to grow up in a supporting environment and experience a childhood that many non-queer people get to have... this game can show you a better one. Plunging back into reality will be difficult once it's over, but if you're like me and are still struggling to accept yourself well into adulthood... maybe this game will help you feel a bit better about yourself. I kind of feel like a different person after playing this. Like a part of my mind is now at ease.

Even if it was just for one evening... I got to experience being a happy upbringing I never had.
Publicado a 30 de maio de 2021.
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0.4 hrs em registo
Played much more than this outside of steam, even got Founder's at one point.

Great game if you like girls. Why? You get all the armor, and you get all the new classes!

Want to play a male character? ♥♥♥♥ you, what are you, gay or something?

Seriously, I have never seen such blatant and awful gender-locking in a game, and I've played a lot of Korean MMOs in my time. Most gender-locked games have something for both genders. Half here, half there. This one? I'm convinced this game is played almost exclusively by weeaboos who like loli a little too much and enjoy playing video games with a boner at all times.

A shame, too, because the action combat was fun and the wide variety of races and classes had a little something for everyone. But I guess now they realized their target demographic and just said screw everyone else.
Publicado a 25 de setembro de 2016.
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