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Останні рецензії користувача nujumkey

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Показані результати 11–20 із 86
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
1.3 год. загалом
pretty barebones, but it gets the joke across.

It's a cute idea for a game and some of the upgrades are fun ideas, but things just need to be explained more.
Додано 25 липня 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 25 липня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
0.3 год. загалом
I saw this the first time on twitter. Thought i'd like to watch it again, but it's harsh. I couldn't finish it.

It's very effective at delivering the message the game had.

War's something people only turn to when they feel they have no other choice, i get that. But the human cost of war is real and it's painful.
Додано 9 липня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
7.2 год. загалом (6.5 год на момент рецензування)
TLDR: It's not dissimilar to FTL. Gameplayer is easier and feels more scripted, and i don't feel like i have as much control over the combat as i did in FTL, but it's still pretty fun. The writing is cheesy and sillier, and the art style is cute so if you can get invested in the world you will get into the game.

Додано 28 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 12
121.2 год. загалом (81.7 год на момент рецензування)
This is Soda dungeon, a charming name that leads into a good idle game. You are an entity that hires heros to fight for you and your goal is to reach the top of this tower. You hire heroes and send them off to fight for you and then let the game run in the background for an hour or two. Once you're ready you return to the game to see how your heroes did. Then you buy new gear (and new heroes) and set them on their quest again.

I remember the first couple of these "idle games" i played. The novelty that the game ran on it's own and you just had to watch it go was great, but the gimmick runs out. You have to find things for the player to actually do, otherwise the whole "game runs on it's own" thing isn't very interesting. Done right, these things are a bit too addicting, and it's always a little scary to delve into one too deeply.

This specific game creates that "thing player actually has to do" by having your party completely abandon you after every run. This means before you can start the run and ditch the game you have to hire and customize a bunch of temporary warriors, and if you have spare gold you can upgrade the tavern to improve your overall chances of winning. The upgrades give you a ton to work towards and the upgrades aren't totally linear so you have some control over which aspects of the adventurers you improve. This plus the fact that the tower has some bosses that are real tough to beat gives the game some bite and got me pretty hooked.
Додано 11 березня 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
0.8 год. загалом (0.2 год на момент рецензування)
I'm not very far into the game yet, but i have to upvote it because i can see a lot of improvement from shelter 1.

The saturation has been turned back up so generally the game is so much easier to see. It makes moving around and looking at stuff so much nicer.
The options menu now exists including KEY REBINDINGS. Not being able to change the run from the shift button was one of my main dissapointments in the last game.

So far the story is certainly more active and the idea that you are a sort of caretaker has stuck from the previous game and that's what i liked. Great to see Might and Delight see what people talked about in the first game and improve in the second.
Додано 3 березня 2018 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
12.9 год. загалом (7.8 год на момент рецензування)
A rather strange game where the main enjoyment of the platforming isn't really the platforming, but trying to solve the puzzle of what mouse movements lead to what action. I'd love to know what goes on behind the scenes because the way your character moves and reacts to the mouse is madness. It's not quite intuitive, but once you get your head in the "just do stuff until you figure it out" game it's a really enjoyable experience.

It helps that the actual levels are quite nice. There's a good variety of mechanics on display, but the game itself is somewhat short so all the mechanics don't get overused. I love the openess of the levels and the environments they've made.

Water level deathboxes could use some tuning though. Kept being stuck underwater in an unwinnable position waiting to die so i could respawn.
Додано 27 лютого 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 28 лютого 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 10
0.2 год. загалом
IDK why it says released and has 3 peices of DLC. It feels like early access and is in desperate need of some polish.

There is no main menu, you start the game you're in the game. Youre confronted with a ton of buildings locked off to you, which i like because it gives me an idea of what i'm working towards. What i dislike is being given plots of land which i have no idea what to do with. If i can't use the land immediately, why did you give them to me? Should have locked off the land until i was able to use it, would make it easier to know what to focus on when starting the game.

The game is in desperate need of a basic tutorial. You click on forests and farms to have your workers get wood and money. If you have houses, click on them for quests. Also buildings level up. Do stuff to level up. Sometimes stuff unlocks and things happen. You don't know why, because the game only tells you how stuff unlocks before it's unlocked. Whatever you have new stuff to play with.

I would love if the options menu gave me some choice of screen size and maybe let me adjust the audio levels. On the menus side of things sometimes the menu buttons wouldn't work unless you click the bottom half of the button. I restarted the game and the buttons worked fine.

Hoping this game gets better. It has some nice art and music, but needs some work on the programming/level design.
Додано 25 лютого 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
7.0 год. загалом (3.9 год на момент рецензування)
I want to start this review by saying the idea of remastering a game already released and bought feels wrong to me.
I bought the game under a pretense of what that game was. The ramaster hasn't changed too much from what the game was before, but it completely deleted the old save and changed the story completely. That this was a remaster that deletes the old game completely and not just a new game released under a new title surprises me.

However, it's a good surprise. The old Algotica was ♥♥♥♥. If i cared enough, i would have written a negative review about the lovely visuals and problematic everything else.

I'm not sure if the new story is a direct upgrade. Instead of you piloting your robot because of this silly robot rebellion inside th computer, we're a human transfering our conscience into a virtual world looking for an (ex?) girlfriend. The new story isn't as cutesy and charming as the old one, but it packs a bit more punch.

In terms of gameplay there's a lot of improvement. This game is all about writing code to direct your little robot from the start of a level to the end. Before the remaster, I had no idea why you had an option to make you write out all the code in writing boxes before instead of just pressing the buttons to make the code for you. Using the button commands is a lot faster and easier (although it does make the coding feel less authentic). The 2x speed is a really nice addition for this sort of puzzle leveL, but the best part is that rediculous buggy overworld is gone. While selecting levels from a menu is more boring, i'm not confused about what levels i should do to unlock what commands and the game isn't crashing.

There are still a bunch of issues i have with the game. I noticed forward(x) increments when you hit enter to run the code, which means your code is changing as you run it (very silly). If you add commands too quickly the command list will bug out and occationally delete code. The way to start running the code is unclear. On the first level it took me 2 minutes before realizing i had to hit a physical keyboard button to start the level. I would love it if some text popped up in the tutorial saying "Press enter to run the program." Having to click on the robot for the options menu feels akward and unintuitive. The level design feels a bit too linear. I understand that optimizing your code is a big part of the game, but i feel very limited in my options and the decision making process isn't very interesting. Needs a bigger variety of interactions, or have the existing interactions have more applications than what is explicitely asked by the level. Just something to up the complexity and make the puzzles a bit more interesting.

Overall, it's an improved puzzle game with a fun coding theme and nice visuals. Really pleased.
Додано 16 лютого 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 17 лютого 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
298.8 год. загалом (15.5 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
I want to give this game a proper review eventually, but it's 3am and my brain is fried.

Bought it and instantly played 4 hours, too much fun. It's a rogue like with deckbuilding elements where every card has huge combo potential. Getting cards is easy, but getting all the cards for one archetype is hard. There are weaker cards that have a big variety of synergies, but you don't want to flood your deck with them or you can't reach your best cards. Card syneries are complimented by really diverse enemies. The game is so deep in terms of the enemy and card design, theres a lot to learn, plan, and solve. Luckily it's PvE, which means there is a lot less pressure to play perfectly, or pick the most competitive cards or play the most competitive deck. One of my decks had 4 upgraded matalicizes which gave me 16 block at the end of the turn. One of my decks allowed me to stakc energy with ice cream, and then deal over 200 damage in a turn. I've won 1 in 5 runs and i have to say my biggest piece of advice is to not focus on optimizing play and going pro with this game.

Don't bother playing optimally. Have fun. Build big decks. Ironclad is op. Praise egg for showing me this game.
Додано 8 лютого 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 лютого 2018 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
3.3 год. загалом
This puzzle game revolves around building a maze to get your sleepwalking friend bob into bed. You ... are a dog? The story is weird but it keeps the general theme of "keep Bob safe" so everything you do and all the weird stuff you encounter sort of make sense. There's some fun imagery to delve into if you have the time.

The actual maze building gameplay is more action oriented than actual puzzle solving. In terms of the puzzles it's mostly "Put down thing to make Bob not move there." Fairly simple, but the game adds difficulty by varying the platforms Bob has to walk through and limiting the number of objects you can use to move Bob. Usually you can't just place all the objects down and let Bob walk the maze on his own, you don't have the resources.

There's a lot of running around and it's a lot more active then the puzzle gameS i've played recently. Most puzzles i've played recently (like hexcells) are very slow and require you to stop and fully understand the area you're working with. Instead the game focuses on having you use a few objects multiple times to solve a puzzle. Put an object down, wait for Bob to interact with the object, pick the object up and run to move it to the next spot Bob will need to interact with it before Bob gets there. This sort of design allows the player to sort of learn the level as they run through it and figure things out on the fly, which is really fun. It reminds me a bit of late-game portal puzzles where you had to jump into a portal and while inside the portal you shoot a second portal, changing the direction you'll come out from. Still requires the player to understand the level, but you don't have to figure out everything immediately and a lot of the solving comes in the middle of doing the puzzle, rather than at the start.

The don't have a lot of problems with the game. I'd like a reason to revisit old levels. Maybe include a death counter or a timer? Also keyboard controls exist, but feel clunky and just using the mouse for everything is way easier. Pausing is not mapped to a button, you have to use the mouse to hit a button on the top right of the screen. Sometimes the Geometry's perspective will mislead you; that's really frusterating and its definately intentional. Lastly, it's not as hard as the sit-still-and-solve puzzles (but it would be a lot more frusterating if it was).

Anyways it's engaging and very fun.
Додано 26 грудня 2017 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 26 грудня 2017 р..
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