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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
1.2 timer totalt
I played this on console and had a lot of fun, so i had to grab it on PC as i' more comfortable playing games on a keyboard. As a console port it runs perfectly fine, and the game doesn't seem to be buggy, but the game disables all keyboard controls until you manually enable them and assign a key to every controller function in the game.

This game feels completely unplayable to use keyboard. The game is full of Quick time events using controller buttons and with no basic keyboard setup you have to remember what controller button = what key to go through the story. This means you will spend at least 10 minutes trying to figure out your 'controller' setup. Because there are at least 8 buttons you need to complete the most basic gameplay this becomes a nightmare fast, i would have found this game unplayable without keyboard setup from a guide.

If i put in the effort and invested another hour into just battling the controls and memorizing what the buttons are i know i would really enjoy the game. I love Naruto as a series and the game caters heavily towards people who love the franchise, but they didn't think about the keyboard experience at all. I'm tired of having the quick time event prompts pop up, and not being able to complete them because i decided to use a keyboard instead of a controller. It's just not worth the effort.

As of writing i have 0.6 hours in the game. I'm about to try again and see if i can figure this controller setup out. If i can't before i've spent an hour on this thing, i'm just going to refund the game because it's not worth the effort.

Edit: ok i managed to find something i like. I just wish the devs could put in the time to setup a default keyboard layout so i didn't wast 45 minutes trying to play a game i know i like.
Publisert 28. juli 2017. Sist endret 28. juli 2017.
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9 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.3 timer totalt
Openned it up, got a black screen. Spent some time trouble shooting, managed to get it to work for about 30 minutes to i played one of the stages. It was hard, i got frusterated and couldn't beat the boss and died a lot. Closed the game thinking i'll come back to it later. Openned it up later, black screen. Tried the trick that made it work before, didn't work. Refunded the game.

If it works on your computer fantastic, but it doesn't for me and i don't want to trouble shoot the game every time i open it.
Publisert 23. juli 2017.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.5 timer totalt (0.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A game that takes a really simple concept and tries to build on it over a number of levels. The most fun part of this game is the fact that you get a quite good simulater of domino physics. The problem is, there isn't much depth the game can add to those physics, and so if they aren't constantly adding new mechanics to the game the levels feel repetitive are are a bit too easy. Also the controls were a bit clunky.

I enjoyed it for a good 20 minutes, but it's really hard to make knocking down long chains of dominoes interesting after you've done it 5 or 6 times, although if you do enjoy that process of planning out your domino trains there's certainly plenty of levels for you to enjoy.
Publisert 23. juli 2017.
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3.1 timer totalt (2.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Cute little game, and i surprised myself with how much i enjoyed the first few levels.

The basic gimmick is that you are an insect and your job is to interact with things to ... i'm not sure. Grow up i guess? Transform? Beat all five levels in total? Whatever the purpose, you spend half your time playing a sort of hidden objects game where you're hunting through the cluttered and messy backdrops for materials to help or hurt other bugs and open areas of the map. If you ever get stuck and can't find the objects you need, you can click the question mark on the topright to get a freebie. This is really good at getting your brain unstuck when you're frusterated cause you can't find all the materials you need to go forward. The insect aeshtetic gives this game a really nice vibe of just being a little guy roaming the woods. The second part of the game is the puzzles, and there are a lot of them. Mostly they pop up when you finish finding an amount of resources. They're always visually tied into the game but but the puzzles are very abstract in what they are and how they will affect the world. I really enjoyed some of the puzzles i came across, but the way to solve them is completely unexplained. A bit more direction in these would be nice, i constantly found myself going to the walkthrough to try and figure out what i should even try to do to solve the puzzle.

The main problem i had with the game was the walking speed. It's painfully slow, and in the later levels the stages get rather large making it take ages to walk from place to place. Presumably you can spend this time looking in the background for goodies but it just feels unnecessary. As a secondary problem, i found the later levels quite slow and dull, maybe the hidden object game had grinded me down because i could not find the effort to finish the game. Also menus suck.

Nice aesthertic combined with good ideas that don't last very long, but it's enjoyable when you first encounter it. If you want %100, there is a good guide that shows all the solutions as well.
Publisert 23. juli 2017. Sist endret 22. november 2017.
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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
1.6 timer totalt (1.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A very fast paced parody of Organ trail that takes the American setting and makes it ... sillier? The game is side scrolling shooter with filled with permadeath and randomly generated events. It's also my favorite type of randomness, the controlled type of randomness where in every stage of the game you have multiple possibilities of events that can come up. This means you can get rng screwed, but the runs don't take very long so it's not a big deal. It's good at giving you new stuff to play with, there are a ton of wagons and weapons in the game you can unlock by completing the more difficult events. I've not actually beaten the game yet, it's pretty challanging to stay alive past all the stuff the game throws at you, but that's also why the game is fun. Don't expect Organ trail, it's really far from that sort fo game but still fun in it's own right (especially when it's relatively cheap).
Publisert 22. juli 2017. Sist endret 22. juli 2017.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2.5 timer totalt
Before i start i have to mention this game's story is the biggest reason you will enjoy this game, meaning if you did not play the first puzzle agent you will have absolutely no idea what is going on. Gotta love episodic games.
If you played the first puzzle agent game, you're definately going to want to play the second but bewarned that some corners were cut in the second half of the game.

The story is still by far the strongest part of the game, but even it be less engaging towards the end and the bits that were bad in the first game are still bad. Remember how in the first game it felt slightly off that the FBI were grading you for every little puzzle you did? Not to spoil the story but it feels even weirder, though i do like the idea of grading our performance on the puzzles themselves since if we weren't they would feel a bit too easy. Remember how the first game had all this suspense and mystery that kept you attached to the story? The second part feels like it's trying to keep building tension, but it never really amounts to anything important as far as the story is concered. I can imagine the devs talking as i play the game like "Hey here's a spicy love interest, you should talk with her. Whoops she's actually completely irrelevant to the story nevermind tee-hee." The puzzles are even jankier than last time and the last 30 minutes or so of the game is a bit of a mess in terms of presentation. Feels like they had a good idea for how to end the series, but didn't give themselves enough time to actually make the end so you get all these jump cuts and plot holes that don't really make sense.

That said for the most part the story gets tied up and the mystery of the town gets explained in a relatively interesting way. It's still got a lovely world full of mystery to unravel, and if you played the first game you are already super invested in the ending and will probably be ok with the little stuff. Despite it's flaws, puzzle agent two is still a perfectly good ending to the puzzle agent series.

Now get rid of this episodic nonsence and just make one solid consistant game please.
Publisert 22. juli 2017. Sist endret 22. juli 2017.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2.5 timer totalt (1.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I love this game and if you're into well written stories that are enhanced by game play then I'd definitely recommend it, however the game is not without its flaws.

I'll start with the praise. This is one of the most engaging stories I've ever played, and i stuck with the game primarily because i was invested n the story. The basic plot is that a factory has shutdown, and the foreman has disappeared. You are an FBI agent (from the puzzle division naturally), and your job is to reopen the factory, good luck with that. Even when you question the townsfolk, the aren't even sure what happened at the factory and what closed the place down. As you explore the town and talk with people, you start to see the subtlety of these characters, what drives them and motivated them. It quickly becomes obvious not everyone is on your side, and it does an excellent job in withholding as much information as it can while keeping the story rolling. In terms of the puzzles, i enjoyed most of them. They aren't too hard, but they gain challenge by the grading system implemented. Basically every time you complete a puzzle, you get scored out of ten for how many wrong answers submitted and how many hints you used. It's a good mechanic, however i believe the hint system was used badly.

So here I'll talk about some problems with the game. The puzzles tend to tie some mini game style challenges into the story, and they do an excellent job in being somewhat related to the plot. However, the hint system is required to solve certain puzzles as the game just doesn't give you all the information you need, and whenever you lose a hint you're grade on that puzzle goes down so it strongly disincentives using hints. Which is ridiculous because hints already have an in-game consequence (you use up a stick of gum for every hint you use, and there is a limited amount of gum in the game), and some of the puzzles are impossible to figure out without the hints. This is aggravated by the fact that some puzzles can be solved multiple ways, but the game only accepts one answer. I don't want to spoil the puzzles i had issued with, because 50% of the puzzles were great. However, they are quickly forgotten when I'm having my progress completely halted because certain information about the puzzle isn't available until i use a hint is ridiculous. Also, the grading system itself, while i love the extra challenge it brings into the game, is really strange because the grade essentially comes from the FBI, and it just feels strange that the FBI is grading things like my ability to fix furnaces. And one last small complaint, i hate the idea of episodic games. Part one isn't that drastically different from part 2, but you need to buy both games to make any sense of the story. As it is, part 2 is unplayable if you didn't touch this part, and this part feels incomplete if you didn't play part 2.

TLDR: good story, meh puzzles, screw episodic games.
Publisert 22. juli 2017.
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0.8 timer totalt
There is a lot of fun to be had, the game is really quick and the guns have different arcs so it's fun to pick a favorite gun to use but there is no respawn time, which means good luck having any form of control or tactically holding down a point because enemies spawn as fast as they can click.
Also it lacks any form of progression system to keep an audience and thus i've never seen more than 30 people online at a time. At multiple times i would login and see the largest game consist of 4 people and log off. Think the core game is really fun, but needs some tweaking to allow a proper community to form around it.

Its funny because Awesomenauts had this exact issue which made them go free to play and introduce it's progression system to unlock characters to play. This game can't really do that, but maybe it can introduce cosmetics or something.
Publisert 17. juli 2017. Sist endret 17. juli 2017.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
62.0 timer totalt (11.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's such a clever game in terms of it's design and the replayability aspect is great. Yet in some ways it feels unpolished. There are upgrades being available in the shop for buildings you don't own, and twice i've encountered situations where i bought an upgrade that did nothing for me and got really confused as to why. As far as i can tell there is no in game music, which i don't mind because i don't play these games for their music but it's certainly an odity. The faction coins make no sense to me, i have no idea why i would upgrade my relationship with the fairy faction when the only thing i do is buy buildings from the faction i'm already aligned with. There's a lot of little things that feel weird once you're in the game

It's got a neat concept. You are building a village, and when you buy objects to generate currency it builds buildings for you on the screen. When you reach a point you can ally yourself with a certain faction featuring your favorite fantasy character (orcs, demons, etc). The idea is that in idle games you often want to reset and start over the entire process of collection money and buildings from scratch, but the restart process has more variety as you can now get different buildings and ally with a different faction. There's also a mana system for the powerups rather than having cooldowns, and thematically that is a really cool change to see.

Other than that the little nitpicks i made it's a perfectly acceptable idle game. Definately give it a go.
Publisert 13. juli 2017.
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Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
2.9 timer totalt (2.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a super hard platformer similar to games like They Bleed Pixels or Super Meat boy. You will die a lot.

However instead of expanding your movement from the basic platformer set, the game simplifies your controls to three buttons: left, right and 'action.' Action is mapped to 'w' 's' 'up' 'down and 'space.' I have three complaints for this game, the first is that there is no button remapping. For this style of game i like to use IJKL instead of arrows keys to move due to my broken left arrow key. Luckily i can still play, but it's a feature that's always very helpful. This super simple control setup means VVVVVV is all about the small moment to moment challanges. Think of games like geometry dash where the big picture isn't as important as whats right in front of you.

While the game is technically a metroidvania( in that you have a huge open space with which you can explore a world with tons of little collectables) the levels themselves are super linear. The rooms are rarely ever larger than the screen and the jumps are super tight. This game is hard, you will die a lot. With games like this i always appreciate when the dev goes out of their way to make every room feel fair. When you move from one room to the next in metroidvania style the game almost always makes the area you immediately enter in safe. Not only this, but the game liters the area with checkpoints, often two checkpoints in the same room so you never have to do more than two hard jumps in a row.

This simplistic style of game however leads to my next problem: the only saves when you reach a teleporter (one exists at the start of every level), not when you hit a checkpoint. This means even if you hit a really hard jump and you're just so done with this part of the game, you just just quit and try a different level in metroidvania fashion. If you quit all the progress you make up to that point is completely gone, and it feels the whole spirit of metroidvania doesn't exist. There's not really mid-level teleporters or unlockable shortcuts, you have to finish every level in one shot (which probably isn't too bad for the average gamer as the game is fairly short, but i found this pressure immensely stressful and made the hard levels that i can't afford to quit less fun).

My final issue with the game is extremely minor. Let me say at this point that this game is incredibly fun and for nobody is this next point going to be a dealbreaker. If you like what you read, pick up the game. This next point is mostly for the devs of the game.

I hate how all the achievements are focused on adding some vague sense of replayability to the game. Most fo the achievements are something like "beat the game in less then 200 deaths" "beat the game in less then 100 death." There are time trial achievements, which i don't mind but these achievements seem geared towards people who excessively play your game, and i suspect none of those people need achievements to motivate them to %110 complete your game. To me, achievements are best used to encourage people to roleplay in a game, really push them towards the core engagement. Things like "collect all collectables" fit this idea for metroidvanias because the goal of metroidvanias is to explore a lot. Things like "beat the game again and git gud" aren't something the average player is and should ever be interested in. If you're trying to cater to a hardcore audience, i feel achievements probably aren't the ideal reward.
Publisert 23. juni 2017.
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