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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 121.8 hrs on record (40.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 May, 2021 @ 10:25pm

I found it enjoyable. Overall, I loved the experience. In most games, when I replay them, there are moments where I just say to myself "Here comes an annoying part." I've played this 4 times now and never really felt it like that. I just have a few critiques about this game:

1. The graphics are amazing, until it comes to water and the slime-like substance from Moraeu - it turns into a blurry mess and at times, just looks like a color with no texture. Speaking of graphics, I noticed that there is dynamic resolution. I don't know if it's because I'm using Ray Tracing, but even at 1080p I can see textures pixel-ate when I move around. When I stop moving around, it becomes high definition again. It's not always noticeable, but it is more often than I'd like.
2. The performance issues are quite annoying. Most of the time, I maintain a good 50-60 FPS, but there were moments where it would drop to 10-20 and would remain there until I reload the game.
3. For being a "survival horror" game, it sure lacks the "horror." Don't get me wrong, it has it's moments that made me a little scared my first play through, but only at the beginning. Mainly the introduction to the Village and Beneviento. Everything after that just felt like action, especially the end. After Beneviento, all horror seemed to disappear. I thought I was playing Call of Duty for a minute. One way to counteract the horror part is to play on Hardcore or "Village of Shadows." Enemies are actually a threat on those difficulties, and it brings the terror back into the game when you're being attacked.
4. When you beat the game on "Village of Shadows," you're able to get the Rocket Pistol from the Extra Content Shop. I felt is was a bit under-powered for shooting rockets. It would still take 7 shots or so to kill a Lycan on "Village of Shadows." On standard, it took 2 rockets to kill a Lycan.

It was a great experience, I would definitely recommend it to a friend.
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