Barry Francis   Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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Currently Offline
uNresT ' M 14 Jul, 2019 @ 6:20am 
Still no ember set hey china
WUT? 17 Aug, 2017 @ 9:59am 
Some say he won a medal at the Olympics and then ate it
I'm all you need 16 Aug, 2017 @ 12:41pm 
It is rumored that he is related to Chuck norris , a 3rd cousing twice removed or something
WUT? 15 Aug, 2017 @ 1:35pm 
Some say he was the third member of Daft Punk...
I'm all you need 15 Aug, 2017 @ 12:18pm 
He was once voted the most likely to punch a monkey..
WUT? 15 Aug, 2017 @ 10:52am 
It has been said that he has an irrational fear of ducks...