who's asking Bruh???   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
you don't need to know me! You don't what to know anything about me because I am not me? Or am I? I don't know why should I, just because I am supposed to be but might not be depending on the situation... Still it's a tough question I mean, I can tell you DNA stands for deoxy-riboneucleic-acid and that pie (symbol thingy) = 3.14159265359793 but I can't say whether I am me or who is me? Are you me? Am I you? Are we me or you or both? Why does the universe torment me with such primative and yet puzzling questions of which can not be answered with purely simpe logic of any average human. Good thing I'm not average, or am I as I don't even know who I am anymore. Do you get this because I think I ran off the tracks and into the barn with this little couple of sentences to sum me up. Oh well atleast I have wasted approximately 2 minutes of your life judjing from the average speed it takes to read a document of this size with 13 line (soon 14) and aproximately 12-14 words per line. Lol I am so superior to you primative apes (now 15 lines), or am I, or are you, is it you or me or both? (by the way the estimated time to read this calculations are based on the edting edition so it looks different to you but the overall time is about the same with 15 seconds either way). (also I possibly wated about 2 minutes and 30 seconds of your life now, you are now 2 minutes and 30 seconnds closer to death you weak ape, oh no so am I, I can't die I am the future, I must live I must survive to reprodue so that evolution may turn these apes into gods, my offspring (that just got weird didn't it, oh well)).
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