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投稿日: 2015年2月10日 5時11分

Instead of buying 3 seperate DLC, just get this and get all of them.
No, this is no advertise. Srsly.

The most DLC you will need anyway is:
- Castithan Charge (for the Swords)
- Arkbreaker (to get Arks down)
and probably 7th Legion or any other, thats 3.
Don't waste money, just get this.

You will get a lot of benefits - like 1000 Ark forge to invest into weapons.
Clothers, Cars, oh what not....

If you didn't install Defiance over Steam, here is a little trick to get the DLC key w/o downloading 15 GB again:
Go to the main game here on Steam and "install". Pause the download after 30 MB so it pops up in your library.
Buy this (or any other DLC) and get your Productkey by clicking "Library" -> "Defiance" -> "Productkey".
Copy that to Notepad or just keep it in the clipboard.
Abort the steam download.

Start the game with Glyph and login (doesn't matter if it is a non-steam or steam version at that point).
Open EGO menu, "Shop", click the 3rd Tab on the top, and should it prompt you for a code.
Paste the key there with CTRL+V (or STRG+V). When it says "Code valid"(or so), ESC the menu and reenter it.
Have fun redeeming your stuff.

Oh, just a little hint. You may have to redesign your character after you logout...
Which is convenient... not.
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7 件のコメント
Mr.RED 2016年2月10日 4時49分 
your logic doesn't make sense. you say "you should only need 3 DLCs", then you act like you only need 2. And somehow your conclusion is: so just pay $20 more for 2 or 3 more DLCs you didn't really want?? :doodle: o.O
But good informative review, otherwise.
Saitana 2015年7月6日 16時49分 
You can still just take the time to uninstall and reinstall and just play through steam no big deal. Other than that minor opinion I agree on your review all the way.
NoSpax 2015年6月13日 19時55分 
Just compare the prices. Why would you buy 3 separate DLC, when you get 5 for the same price? This pack has all 5.
vempajor 2015年5月3日 14時26分 
You say buy this instead of 3 DLC-s. Isn't this cointains all 5 DLC-s?? (If only 3, which 3?)
Boostintas pudelis 2015年4月29日 12時40分 
NoSpax 2015年4月21日 13時38分 
You can redeem the code ingame.
Boostintas pudelis 2015年4月6日 13時04分 
So do you have to go to your Glyph acount in browser or you can redeem your code in game ?

P.s Sorry for bad English.