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1,119.7 ч. всего
Cut linux support
Опубликовано 2 ноября 2024 г..
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14.3 ч. всего
It's somewhat cozy, but you're better off playing Elex/Gothic because exploration and dodge-roll combat is more fun than interactive puzzles (lockpick something or kill everyone).

This game makes Elder Scrolls: Oblivion's broken level system seem tame. Any play style besides mage is complete trash and mage is so powerful it trivializes the entire combat system.

I see "immersive sim" as some youtuber/reddit coined term, the "sim" portion of this game is under-utilized and it really is more of a dungeon crawler game in spirit - Grimrock/Vaporum series seem like a more realized version of this concept. VTMB is a totally different animal being a narrative juggernaut for the first 75% of the game - totally different appeal despite similar camera angle, engine, and jankiness.

Long story short it's "ok", but only worth the time of RPG historian types.
Опубликовано 23 января 2023 г.. Отредактировано 23 января 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 15
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126.8 ч. всего (85.5 ч. в момент написания)
-Interesting expansive setting and environments
-Great OST

-Game requires kiting mobs into guards and other "gamey" cheese tactics to start
-Extreme amounts of grinding in the mid game
-No real game "mechanics", basically pass the skill/crafting grind hurdle, right click mobs and watch your guys cycle through all game content

One of the best "shells" I've experienced with a great universe and unique setting; however, it is a "shell" nonetheless. I wanted to like this game more than Rimworld, but Rimworld has a more complete loop and a more palpable and substantive direction.

I don't think these types of games are worth it because they're astronomical time sinks and I think you should value your life clock more than frittering away on some base-builder/crafter sim.

EDIT after +40 Hours:
This is actually one of the greatest play while watching TV/Youtube games. Get it for under $15 though.
That's the greatest use-case for this game and it really shines as being interesting and engaging enough without taking your full focus and attention.
Опубликовано 6 октября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 13 октября 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 41
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89.4 ч. всего
Since the last game:
- There are 6 possible factions instead of 3
- There has been an overhaul of the melee combat system
- There are flying enemies present in the game and some new enemy types
- Magic has been reworked
- The map has been completely redone with new locations
- There is now a jetpack skill tree
- More stat scaling

Overall, the game is a decent successor to Elex for fans of the first game. However upon game completion, my final thoughts:
- Overall less depth in exploration, less random items strewn around. Less tight economy leaves little incentive to explore relatively bare areas.
- Better melee combat system
- Better magic combat system
- Worse companion AI, borderline useless most of the game
- Worse economy and progression even on hardest mode, huge flood of enemy weapons means the player is always somewhat rich
- Lots of escort quests in the beginning
- Somewhat grindy middle game with kill 40/40 enemies quests
- Less impactful ending than Elex 1, overall worse writing for all mainline and side quests
- Ugly armor sets and generic purple baddies

Personally, I like the game. I see how Piranha Bytes tried some new ideas, execution was not perfect. I can't recommend the game to someone who didn't play and enjoy Elex 1. For an Elex 1 fan, this will scratch the itch, you'll beat it fairly quickly and without much difficulty even on hardest mode for an ok 50 or so hour session. Morkon faction seemed to have been given a lot of love with a cool faction city. The biggest thing missing is the sense of discovery that the first game had. All mysteries have been solved and the new crisis event is not enough to add much more exposition or depth to the world.
Опубликовано 17 марта 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
62.0 ч. всего (58.8 ч. в момент написания)
Yeah, I finally beat it on solo murderous psychopath after two dozen tries and it was the most fun I had in turn-based CRPG combat since Age of Decadence.

Nice short game with a narrow scope that does it well. Irontower is the best studio and I hope they stick around for a long time.
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2021 г..
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46.4 ч. всего (45.3 ч. в момент написания)
I had a lot of fun with this one. A good short shot game that you can dig into for a few weeks, chip away at, and learn over time.

I think the achievement run adds a lot to this game and gives it a sense of purpose. The game can get repetitive, but you should have a decent time for around 50 hours. Since it's a 50 hours max game, I would buy it at a 50 hours max price. $10 is a fair shake to me.
Опубликовано 2 июня 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 55
129.3 ч. всего (127.3 ч. в момент написания)
Buy this game if:
-You are a veteran of western open-world RPG's like Gothic
-You like strong exploration
-You want to experience a game with a strong progression
-You want a traditional western sci-fi feel
-You've wanted to try a Piranha Bytes game

Don't buy this game if:
-You are expecting a perfectly polished AAA product from a major studio
-You have no patience for a few stretches of the game that require some grind
-You have no patience for a storyline that starts slow and begins to shine 50% of the way through the game
-You have no experience with RPG's or have strong expectations that the leveling/stats in this game will follow the patterns of other games (they do not)

I had a wonderful time with this game over two playthroughs. I feel that this game really shines on the hardest mode. There is a strong sense of progression and you'll have a long journey learning how to take down each individual opponent, learning the in's and out's of their attacks, gearing up, and exploring the map. There are two power gaps in the game that could require some grinding. You'll be able to speed through these sections quickly buy doing all available sidequests, and I encourage you to stick with the game through them because the story really picks up about 50% of the way through the game with some strong endings.

I would not recommend this game for everyone. If you are a AAA gamer, you may find that this game has a lack of polish versus what you're used to. For me, that's the charm of the game. It's very clear that it was made by a small studio, the game and gameplay are rough around the edges and "raw". This title may be a launching point for someone who has really enjoyed Bethesda games and wants to step into the world of Piranha Bytes and the Gothic series since those are historically important games which helped define the open world RPG. This may also be a launching point for someone who really enjoys the Dark Souls series because the gameplay is somewhat similar and it also has a strong sense of progression with your success being tied to both the in-game character's power and the actual player's reaction time, game knowledge, and skill.

Overall, there is about a 50% chance that you won't have the patience for this game and a 50% chance that you'll get sucked in. For most of you, this isn't a title you want to roll the dice on at the $60 price point; I would look for a sale. For $15 and under this is a steal.
Опубликовано 9 мая 2021 г..
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109.0 ч. всего (15.5 ч. в момент написания)
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pretty solid. nice fresh take on the slay the spire-esque genre. personally i like this one better. needs more character classes and cards though. there isn't that much variance between playthroughs for the two classes with the amount of content in the game now, but there easily could be with more development.
Опубликовано 30 ноября 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
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34.6 ч. всего (34.0 ч. в момент написания)
Actually the best card game on the market from a game design stand-point. Very exhilarating to play. Very fresh take on a stale genre. However, it suffered from the following expectations:

-Costed $ in a time when the industry standard is free to play
-Very good draft play in a time when players prefer constructed play
-No in game tasks or quests in a time when players are used to play incentives
-RNG in a time when people are hyping up competitive MTG.
-Long and stressful games.

This game was really ahead of its time, unfortunately the game just has no broad appeal however you slice it. Failure not from a game design standpoint but from a business strategy standpoint from Valve.
Опубликовано 8 октября 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
28.4 ч. всего (27.1 ч. в момент написания)
I recommend skipping this game and moving straight to Baldur's Gate 2.

Very dull and uninteresting story. You will be skipping dialogues. Low amount of actual roleplay or variance between playthroughs. The combat was good for its time, but today I don't feel like it really offers much, especially not to buy and play the game solely for that.

It suffers from many of the pitfalls that a lot of the D&D inspired games suffer from. Powerful spellcasters. Very boring to play and weak fighter/rogue archetypes. Very straightforward character builds. Basically max your class's preferred stat. You are also playing through levels 1-15 which is a very dull level range with slow progression and not a lot of interesting spells or powers. This is another reason why Baldur's Gate 2 shines over BG1, your character starts at a much higher level from the beginning. For the purpose of this game I recommend playing as a spellcaster of some sort. I don't personally enjoy roleplaying a spellcaster, but there is just much more tactical depth, variety, and enjoyment to playing them over the other classes.

The way I see it, this game has a very narrow appeal. Basically people who have nostalgia for it or people who want to experience it for its historical significance as an important stepping stone for RPG games.

Other than that, you're better off moving to BG2 or Pathfinder: Kingmaker which is in a lot of ways the spiritual successor to BG1 and offers a much broader variety of character builds, classes, and combat to experience and enjoy. Not to mention this game is way overpriced and doesn't go on sale that often.

This game isn't "bad". It's actually very good, but the question is should you play it in 2019+, and I don't think that there's enough here to take your time away from all of the really exciting games out there currently on the market.
Опубликовано 8 октября 2019 г..
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