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29.0 timer registreret i alt (27.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game is amazing plain and simple the story begins with a wild party gets interupped by a drunk guy trying hes luck with the ladies and way he gets removed and stubbles into he's hotel room unaware of the nightmare thats about to happen.The entire island paradise is now over run with undead savages hell bent on tearing the flesh of the bones of the living you play as 1 of 4 playable charecters and you struggle for survival begon as you face zombies that get stronger as you level up the more you kill the stronger you become and you get new sweet mods for you]re weapons to make the ultimate zombie killing tools.Guns are scarce and ammo even more scarce you use it wisely there are different types of undead horrors walking around the beautiful suroundings the bloater,thug,butcher to name a few and are tough so make sure you got a fixed weapon to destroy these creatures a well used weapons is less effective against you're enemies so make sure you repair you're weapons ofen.The graphics of the game are amazing as you go from the beach resort to a a abondoned city to the jungle to a prizon island.Lastly the game is amazing played with a friend so go have some fun in the sun zombie style just make sure you bring a friend along is a wild ride.Rating 9/10
Skrevet: 3. september 2013. Sidst redigeret: 30. juli 2015.
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27.3 timer registreret i alt (18.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Sonic allstar racing transformed is a vey enjoyable racing game much like nintendos mario cart sonic allstar racing transformed has a few tricks up its sleeve namely the fact that you dont just race around in carts but youre vehicle can transform into a boat or plane to add to the fun there are many unlockable charecters in the game which can only be unlocked by collecting stars from races you won the harder the difficulty the more stars will be awarded to the player.You get to fire weapons at competitors slow them down which can be handy there are also mods for youre cart to install which can influence the handling speed the acceleration and so forth.The racing venues are very bright coloured and a pleasure to look at and some venues are from other games namely house of the dead and nights to name check some.So to conclued is this game worth buying yes its a super charged fun for fans and non fans of sonic.Rating10\10
Skrevet: 3. september 2013.
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16.8 timer registreret i alt (13.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Brutal legend origanlly released on xbox 360 and sonys ps3 finally got a pc release.Our story begin as roadie eddie riggs is busy setting up the lightning riggs and sound boards for a rock band.The show begins only for things to go horribly wrong as eddie get crushed by the gothic styled castle prop unleashing a demonic beast then kills the band and teleports eddie to a new fanatsy metal world where its up to him to save the day from the evil Doviviculus.Gameplay is a typical hack and slash god of war style game the game also makes use of guitar solos to summon vehicles and to inspire other charecters to fight harder.The maps in the game are massive as you can explore the wild landscape and not get board.Boss fights generally is all about destroying the enemies stage by capturing fans spawn points and building towers to allow the player to get more helpers to destroy the stage.Graphics are great and the charecters are well designed the voices acting is brilliant as Jack black makes the charecter of Eddie almost seem real other guest voice acters included Ozzy osbourne,Kyle gas,Lemmy of motohead just to name a few.The music in the game is amAzing from tracks ranging from Cradle of filth to Black sabbatth, Pantera,Motorhead Diamond head.To conclued the game is great but i really recomened it to true metal fans will get more out the games experience other non metal fans will proberly enjoy the hack and slash nature of the game.Rating 10\10 yes its that good.For fans of Darksiders,God of war and metal \m/.
Skrevet: 28. august 2013. Sidst redigeret: 10. marts 2015.
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31.8 timer registreret i alt (21.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
In 2009 Epic games began work with this masterpiece making use of the trusty unreal engine 3.Mortal Kombat 9 as it was called was born so to begin the reveiw the game has multiple gameplay styles which are are as follows arcade.The classic version to the game that so many gamers would be familier with choose youre fighter from a long list of charecters including some new 1s sand begin the tower of fight multiple charecters until you get the chance to fight boss charecters such as Goro from the origanal game and the final show down with Shoa Khaun.Story mode lets the play with multiple charecter aswell but with some great cut sences to really show cases the charecters detail.But lets be honest you didnt buy this game for pretty graphics no you bought this for gore lots of gore and you got bucket loads of it the fatalities are gruesome such as subzero ripping out of youre spine or qunchi tearing youre leg off and beating you to death with it.A new feature of this game is the xray attack where the player unleashes a brutal attack on youre poor enemy.So to conclued is this game worth youre time and money a big yes if you love the previous mk games buy this game if you love fighting games buy this game it is truely amazing.For fans of tekken street fighter and other mk games.Rating 9/10
Skrevet: 23. august 2013. Sidst redigeret: 24. januar 2015.
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51.7 timer registreret i alt (44.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
What can i say about this game other than the fact it caused gamers minds to blow yes its true.2007 saw the call of duty franchise take a new direction gone was the old school world war 2 inspired shooter that fans had rememberd but it was replace by a fresh new modern feel to warfare hence the name call of duty 4 modern warefare it was good really good so when in 2009 modern warfare2 was announced gamers all over wanted it and they were rewarded with a masterpiece in gaming.

The gameplay is excellent and isnt difficult for newcomers to feel overwhelmed.Graphics are superb and level designs are brilliant from a trip through a wartorn Iraq and the slums of Brazil and piloting snow mobiles.

A large range of weapons are avalible for you gun down plenty of enemies from the shotgun,sniper rifles,granade launchers to you're trusty assualt rifle.To conclued this game has its flaws not really the games fault but the multiplayer aspect of it is ruined by hackers and cheaters online that has made many honest gamers just not bother with it which is sad really at least the single player is great.Rating 9.5/10
Skrevet: 30. marts 2013. Sidst redigeret: 7. august 2015.
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3,777.3 timer registreret i alt (3,768.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I started playing all the way back in 2013 and seening this game fall to piece all due to a company not caring to even try and fix a game that has been around since 2007 and has a devoted and loyal fan base a message to valve i have always believed you reward loyalty something that is rare in this world instead valve kicks dirt in the face of the fans that have invested lots of time and money and time is money into a game you got man power to sort out there are other team base games for example overwatch 2 and paladins but players choose this game so valve sort you're ♥♥♥♥ out.Funny how when the ,money was effected valve did something alittle to late you let this happen valve i wont forget.
Skrevet: 4. marts 2013. Sidst redigeret: 30. november 2024.
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16.4 timer registreret i alt
Ok brink which was released in 2011 and is a squad based shooter simalier to tf2 so you get the idea.The 2 factions in the game are The sercurity and the resistance.The action takes place in a place called the arc where the resistance are trying to escape from it and the security is trying to hold them at bay.There are 4 different playing styles the infiltrator that can disicize himself as enemies.The warrior is he gunner of the group that can replemish ammo for team mates.The medic ie there to heal and revive fallen comrades.The engineer can repair ojectives and plant gunner platforms to gun down enemies.Graphics are good the charecter models are good and the level design is good to fair depending on the level some are great others are abit bland its powerd by the tech 4 engine that powerd doom3 and quake 4 to name a few.The overall feel of the game is good but its got 1 or 2 small problem like a glitch or 2 in multiplayer other than that its a fun game that you can customize youre charecter annd unlock more weapons and abilities.To conclude buy this game if you want have a fun run and gun fps experence with some friends and whats more fun than that anyway. Rating 7/10
Skrevet: 15. februar 2013. Sidst redigeret: 11. april 2015.
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41.1 timer registreret i alt
TO start our reveiw of this steller game id software have once again delivered a great gaming expreience from the makers of Wolfenstein,Doom,Quake id software brings you RAGE.The story begins when a craft carrying cyrogenecly frozen people crash lands on a hosstile world where bandits and mutated freaks roam the countryside you are rescued by a civilian that guns down what are later revealed as the authortity forces that will kill ark survivors on sight so you're journey begins with doing tasks for various npc through out the game such as clearing out bandits go back recieve a reward and so forth. Gameplay is you're standard fps action with some sweet weapons such as the wing stick that can decapitate enemies when thrown and you get to use various vehicles through out the game such as quad bikes and buggys. Graphics are good and the new tech 5 engine powering the game hold great potental for future id games the set pieces are large and the lighting effects are spot on.To conclued its a good game that will satitisfy the fps player tastes with fun run and gun gameplay.RATING 8\10
Skrevet: 4. februar 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. januar 2015.
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41.3 timer registreret i alt
Red faction armegeddon begins years after the last game in the franchise namely Red faction guerrila which was a awesome third person shooter slash smash em up game in a sand box enviroment.We begin this reveiw by saying that this game will statisfy the urges for unwanted destruction that gamers seem to thrive on so the story line is as follow you play as Darius Mason the grandson of Alec Mason the story begin when youre squad are attacking a group a cultist freaks you fight them off only for their leader to trick the young hero into misson that unleashes a anchent alien race of monster that in habit the underground of mars.Gameplay wel is like many 3rd person shooters duck and cover shooter alien freaks and cultist so nothing new there but youre weapons are a b;ast no i not kidding for example the magnet gun that attract metal object and can be used for destroying enemies and enemy bases the destruction engine is excellent it never gets old seeing building come crashing down.1 new addition is the S.A.M that gets used for repairing building for incase you go over board and smash everything in sight and you need that bridge back.Graphics are good and lightning effects are good the stages are more cramped then the last game but the levels are well designed.Lastly to conclued its a fun smash and shoot game that will entertain many for hours the campaign is fun to play through but the multiper modes is where this game truely shines and what more fun that smashing up stuff with a friend.Rating 8/10
Skrevet: 27. januar 2013.
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54.6 timer registreret i alt
Deus Ex Human revolution is with out question a masterpiece in gaming and makes fools that critercise gaming looks even more foolish.The game play is mixture of classic FPS and rpg elements and the player able to buy upgrades for youre augmentations to boost strength and speed and hacking skills.The weapons range from shotguns,pistols,high powerd sniper rifles amoung others.Graphics are brillant and the lighting effects superb.Level design is good and the futuristic backdrops make a nice touch.To conclued this reveiw its a surperb game with a deserving rating of 10/10.
Skrevet: 27. januar 2013.
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