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Análises recentes de Kragga

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My experience so far
1.Start up the game
2.Notice the game defaults to 4:3 800x600
3.Well I'll change that later in the options menu
4.Skip intro all good so far
5.Do you want to play the tutorial ?
6.Yes,I do.
7.Loads up the level then crashes....
8.ok maybe it's a one time bug
9.open up the game again
10.go to settings menu to change the resolution
11.notice the V-sync option off but the game still runs at 60 fps locked ?
12.Load up the tutorial
13.Then crashes.....again

Specs(pretty low but I don't care :)
Windows 8.1 pro
Intel Core 2 Quad 4 x 2.4 Ghz (4 cores 4 threads)
ATI Radeon HD 3850 HIS Custom Cooling 512 Mb Vram(core clock 820Mhz Mem clock 1020 Mhz OC of course)
4 Gb of kingston 800 Mhz RAM
And i'm running it off a 320 Gb sata drive form WD

Changed to Windows 10 PRO and exchanged my GPU for a GTX 650 MSI v1 1 GB DDR5
Now it doesn't even boot up :D

After some reinstalls I got it work just fine on medium-high,with 60+ fps
Publicada em 25 de junho de 2015. Última edição em 24 de julho de 2016.
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29.1 horas registradas (2.9 horas no momento da análise)
Why so many bugs ?Why only 40 fps ?Still a damn good game :D
Publicada em 23 de junho de 2014.
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