Nod if Gay
United States
I live on the tears of angry men :steamsalty: You get one comment, make the most of it. If you want to insult me properly I use they/them.

I am the official deciding factor on who is hot and who is not.

Not on the list: Nerf Nurse. Legion is boring and I literally hate him. If you play Blight go touch some damn grass. Clown couldn't even make it onto this list and also his power actually makes me feelreally sick irl.

On the list: Vommy Mommy. Ghost Face is my boyfriend. Artist can step on me. We all know Demo is on the list. After much consideration, Dredge is also on the list.

Wraith is the cutest choice in Hooked on You but one of the lamest in the actual game

Casual ~gaymer~ :whfpill:
Artwork Showcase
Wow you're on my profile? Hot.
Did you come to thank me for rating your hotness???

or are you mad? :steamsalty:

Or maybe you're my teammate or the killer trying to sus me out ahead of time? Smart. I respect it.

I've been playing this game for longer than I care to admit. I play both roles, but have more fun with survivor. Best of luck to you.

I play solo, so I spend most of my time dying on first hook, getting tunneled, or getting camped. Sometimes I'm even getting sandbagged by my own team. If you tried your best I'll probably try and save you, and happily die doing so.

If you let me have my glyph I'll just let you kill me.

If you're here and you camped me or tunneled me just know you have small pp energy. Micro pp energy if you did it AND also have comments disabled on your profile. Then you know what you're doing is definitely toxic.

I don't have conversations in my comments. You get one comment and others will be removed. I will also remove any homophobic or racist comments, as well as anything remotely telling me to unalive myself. If you wanna call me trash, idc.

As killer, if you think Im being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ killer, I'm sorry. I'm really only super "mean" when I have a challenge. Or if you hid all game and left your team to do everything. Im always down for a meme.
Favorite Game
Horsebird 19 May @ 9:51am 
+rep Cute Jane sorry your team let you die </3
Trexdino <3 Food 8 May @ 9:07pm 
Am gay :)
bring an item 6 May @ 1:59am 
Aqua 4 May @ 4:18pm 
+rep likes green tea kit kats :luv:
Darth 11 Apr @ 3:06am 
ggs from billy srry about the mikaela being useless that whole game
SM = DC 8 Apr @ 12:47am 