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1 person found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record
Fun short puzzle game. Nothing groundbreaking, but fun and unique. Highly recommend for puzzle gamers. Under $5 is completely worth it.
Posted 26 October, 2017.
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14.6 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
This is one of the few games I'd give a 10/10. While it does have some flaws, and the story can be quite complicated, the rest of the game is so damn good I'm fine with over looking them.

- Interesting story, great ending
- Great graphics
- Great characters
- Memorable lines ("Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt", "Booker! Catch!")
- Good level design (except Plaza of the Zeal)
- Challenging but not impossible
- Engaging story and unique setting

- Complex story is easy to lose, really have to pay attention
- Plaza of the Zeal level is poorly designed in my op

I can't say if I like 1 or Infinite better, because they are so different. However, I must admit I got more enjoyment out of Infinite and strongly recommend it to anyone. This is a true masterpiece.
Posted 30 March, 2017. Last edited 30 March, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
7.3 hrs on record
Overall, I'd give this game 8.4/10, it is a solid and quick walking simulator. I bought it in early access and enjoyed it, then finished it when released last week.

- Interesting setting (Canada, October 1970)
- Great vioce acting
- Pretty graphics, not photorealistic, but fantastic for an indie dev
- Enjoyable story, albeit a bit short
- Linear open world (explore but still only one way to progress, it works well in this game)
- Great atmosphere
- Driving mechanics are nice (less of a walking simulator, more of a driving simulator)
- Inventory and UI are easy and fit well
- Great music

- Tedious exploration; sometimes you are looking for something, but when you get their you need a tool that you have to drive back and get. Can be annoying, happened 3 times for me
- Short; the ending, while good, was abrupt and no resolution was made for many things (*SPOILERS* does the monster now haunt the town for the rest of the game, was he ever freed of his spirit, what about my money from Hamilton, was the ending just trying to escape, I'm so confused and I want more *END SPOILERS*)

For $20 the price is quite steep, as it only has about 5 hours of gameplay in it. If you like walking simulators with a great atmosphere and interesting story, you'll enjoy this. If you're on the fence wait for a sale ($10 is good, $15 is a coin flip). If you're not a fan of walking simulators this is not the game for you.
Posted 24 March, 2017. Last edited 24 March, 2017.
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56.3 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Overall, I'd give this a 9.5/10. It is very similar to Uncharted, except it isn't an exclusive (thank god, why Uncharted?)

- Superior visuals (prettiest of this year in my op)
- Excellent story telling, reasonable enough to believe and get connected with
- Excellent voice acting
- Excellent characters, Lara, Roth, Mathais, Sam etc.
- Fun gameplay (super addicting)
- Linear universe that felt like an open world

- Unrealistic action sequences, Lara should've died several times in this game (however, this is also a pro because it makes it so fun and entertaining)
- Lara, when you see the bad guy, why do you ALWAYS use your arrow? You have multiple guns, remember?
- Arrow + Rope, sorry but this wouldn't work. The rope would have to be super light

I highly recommend this game for anyone who is an Uncharted fan, completely worth $20 unless you can wait. If you're on the fence, wait for a sale, compeltely worth $10 or less. There is about 10-11 hours of gameplay per playthrough.
Posted 1 February, 2017.
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7.2 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Overall, I'd give this game an 8.2/10.

- Greate atmosphere
- Great story
- Outstanding voice acting
- Great graphics, like a waterpainting
- Cool places to go, realistic story (everything done is believable)
- A great mix of mystery, exploration and dialogue

- Limited replay value: I might play this game one more time through, but definantly not soon. There's about 2.5-4 hours of content here.
- Weak ending, yes I know I said the story is good. The ending just felt abrupt and quite underwhelming. Many people give this game a thumbs down for this very reason. I would've given it an easy 9.0+ if the ending wasn't like it was.
- (*SPOILERS*) Continuing on that last point I wanted to meet Delilah, or at least have ending text that explains you future with Julia and meeting Delilah at that bar (that's the last thing I asked her, there are other options).
Also, it was never clear whether or not Ned murdered his son (unlikely), was a bad parent (i.e. let him climb when he should not have), or Brian acted on his own and it caused Ned to become a paranoid hermit. It also never explains how Ned got all his fancy equipment at Waipiti Station much less how he put up that fence. The only thing I can predict is that he was using some equipment that some briefly mentioned scienctists left behind (which still doesn't make much sense).

If you like a walking simulator, this is a great game. It doesn't offer value (it's expensive) but offers a large amount of quality if you can shell out the $20. If you don't like walking simulators, this might be the one to get you into them; I would recommend it at $12 or less. And if you're on the fence just wait for a sale for $15 or less. Since it is so short you can play through half of this game and still refund it.
Posted 19 January, 2017.
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58.6 hrs on record (29.4 hrs at review time)
Overall, I'd give this game a 7.1/10. It was hard to run for the first few hours, but then ran mostly smoothly from then on.

- Great fun: gunplay, explosions. This is the Michael Bay of video games
- Wingsuit, parachute and grappling device are very fun and easy to use
- Decent story, it's Just Cause so don't expect a miracle. I found the story interesting enough to warrant completing the game and liberating all the provinces
- Excellent visually
- Huge map with decent diversity

- Frame drop, as mentioned before this didn't plague me but I did experience it from time to time
- Frustrating: sometimes a checkpoint takes forever to get to. There were numerous times where I destroyed 90%+ of a base, then died to a stupid debris hit or something else uncalled for.
- Repetitive: I could not play more than 3 hours of this game a day. And while it kept me coming back, I have to be real and say that the game can get boring after a single sitting.
- Poor driving: planes and boats were great, but car handling was pretty awful

In summary, if you liked the first 2 Just Causes and want more interesting ways to blow things up you will love this game. That is assuming it runs well on your rig, it's worth $40 or less. If you haven't played a Just Cause before, think of this game as a sandbox with explosions and addicting gameplay. For you guys, I cannot recommend this game for anything over $30.
Posted 19 January, 2017.
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200.3 hrs on record (77.6 hrs at review time)
Overall, I'd give this game (the base, not mods) a 9.5/10. To me, this is the best CoD (MW1 is really close)

- Gruesome campaign, this and MW1 were the last CoDs to display war in a burtal fashion. World at War is the most brutal of all the CoDs by far. It also is the second best campaign in my opinion and is definantly worth a playthrough for any CoD fan. Some of these characters reappear in CoD BO1 because they were so well developed.
- CoD zombies started here, with iconic maps like Der Reise. They are still fun to play (though custom is even better)
- Excellent custom zombies (the community is still large and active), most of my hours came from this.
- Clunky but fun multiplayer with awesome WW2 weapons, find a server you like and get to know the regulars in it.

- Knifing in zombies is broken (you can get stuck in a zombie)
- Seriously, I've got nothing else against this masterpiece of a game, BUY IT

Anyone who likes CoD needs to buy this. Anyone who like zombies needs to buy this for the custom zombies (which range from serious maps, to silly but fun maps). The campaign is worth a playthrough if you like FPS campaigns. Summary, unless you don't like FPS games you need to buy it, it's my favorite CoD ever.
Posted 14 January, 2017. Last edited 19 January, 2017.
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0.1 hrs on record
Overall, I'd give this game a 7.5/10. Note: I played the redux, so don't mind my hours.

- Stunning visuals
- Interesting plotline
- Great voice acting
- Fun and unique puzzles
- Atmospheric horror (rather than a bunch of cheesy jumpscares)
- Great plot twist and ending

- Plotline can get slow at times
- Occasional glitch (i.e. can't pick up an object that I need to continue)
- Shorter than expected
- "Detective-view", or whatever it's called [right click] can be frustrating to work with

In summary, if you like walking simulators with mystery and can handle a little horror this game is a great buy. But I wouldn't recommend it until it goes under $10. If you're on the fence, wait until it's $5 or under. It's a solid 3.5+ hours of gameplay.
Posted 14 January, 2017.
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11.4 hrs on record
Overall, I'd give this game an 8.6/10.

- Great voice acting
- Great soundtrack and ambient noises
- Unique episodes and decisions to make (no episode was bad)
- Feels real, your emotions run strong as the game connects you to its world
- Not just "another walking simulator"
- Realistic (other than Max's ability / the storm), the way all the characters act in the game is believable
- Visually like a waterpainting (I like, not everyone's cup of tea)

- Occasional long checkpoints (i.e. you mess up and you have to go back a long ways)
- Slow sections at the beginning, can be hard to get into
- Realesed in episodes (I had to buy ep 1, then the season pass [which doesn't exist anymore] )
- Long loading time for some parts

If you like walking simulators with lots of story then a recommend you pick up episode 1-5 on sale.
If not, try episode 1 and see if it hooks you. I recommend the complete package (ep 1-5) for $15 or less, $20 is a bit steep.
Posted 14 January, 2017.
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113.1 hrs on record (52.8 hrs at review time)
Of all the free-to-play games out there, this has to be my favorite. I really enjoy they flying in both arcade and simulator modes, as they both have their draw.

- Flying is smooth and responsive, incredibly fun and addicting
- Game requires grinding but doesn't screw you over if you have the weaker plane (or don't pay), the best pilot typically will win
- Graphics are very nice
- Landscape is beautiful and diverse from map to map. They are also very accurate to the actual place they represent (Peleliu, Wake, etc.)
- You earn both RP and Convertable RP, the Convertable RP is to prevent "pay-to-play" as it can only be converted using premium currency (you can't buy any and every plane from the get-go). I think they did a good job balancing out people who can pay and people who can't, both can have a good time.
- Test flying is very fun, and the VR support for this game is great.
- It's FREE!

- Respawn is super far on some maps, in simulator this is ok, but I wish the spawns were closer in arcade. You literally fly in a straight line for say 2 minutes, then get immediatly get shot down. Kinda frustrating
- You can "pay-to-play" this game, however it requires either convertable RP (you must earn that) or buying a "premium-only" plane. Can be annoying but I haven't run into it too much
- Customization of airplanes is kinda counter-intuitive. Maybe I'm stupid, but I found putting decals on and changing skins to be tedious and quite clunky
- Unfortunantly, if you wanna play with a Joystick or Yoke and Rudders, you're kinda out of luck. In this game if you aren't using keyboard and mouse, you will get smoked. However, you can go on test flights with those controls and enjoy them.

If you get into this game, you might want to buy some premium currency, but again if you don't, you can grind it out reseaonbly and still have a great time. Give it a try, it's FREE after all!
Posted 29 August, 2016.
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