nickthesticker #rustclash
United States
Welcome to my profile
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Welcome to my profile!
Things to do before you add me:
:correctamundo:Make sure your profile is not private!
:correctamundo:Your profile level is above 1
:correctamundo:Make sure you are not a scammer, I will always check your profile rep.
:correctamundo:Post a comment as to why you are adding me!

Things about me:
Age: 20

Favorite Games: TF2, Gmod, Dead by Daylight, Resident Evil, and more various horror games!

My twitch is - Come on by to watch!

If I have met you, and I have enjoyed your presence when I met you, add me and we can play again sometime!
記録時間: 94 時間
5月31日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 39 時間
5月28日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 3,657 時間
5月27日 に最後にプレイ
MewTwoVT.ttv 5月16日 23時36分 
glazing me up in a random game mode
Ellis Gaming#TF2EASY 5月7日 0時34分 
Makkara666 | #TF2royal |#TF2easy 5月4日 21時38分 
this guy probably spymain he has weapons yey
Фонарь 14 5月1日 2時12分 
Yo nick can u spare me sm cheap ass items, I don't have anything to play w/, and I need to reach lvl 16. I will be thankful if you'll spare me some. Also, win big!
Monkey D. 5月1日 1時09分 
add me i need your help
pokapika 4月30日 21時01分 
bro im coming for those shoes u hear me alright xD