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Recente recensies door Nickish NL

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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
63.6 uur in totaal (14.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The trial is almost at its end and I think im buying this. Really enjoying the many many quests, humor and variarity. Lets hope it doesnt get boring after a while. Hit me up, ingame name: Tokimime
Geplaatst 28 maart 2018.
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1.4 uur in totaal (1.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The only fun thing is actually that war mode where you and your team have to build bridges and capture ♥♥♥♥. Feels like *ahum* BF's rush. But overal I think you have more fun in COD1 and COD: United Offensive. I'm just really glad I DONT PREORDER GAMES hahahahahaha
Geplaatst 30 september 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
0.1 uur in totaal
Very peaceful and fun to play with the controls for 8 minutes. Forgetting all the problems of the world for 8 minutes is worth more than "free" so I recommend it :)
Geplaatst 27 juni 2017.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
4.2 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Bought this game a while back. Saw it sitting in my library with a low playtime.. Man, i bought it because of the neat combat mechanics. And they are indeed very awesome if executed good. But thats all... There is no (for what i know) well-polished multiplayer team deathmatch or protect the VIP gamemode or something like that. If the developers did incluse that, just a lobby and invite friends or whatever, they would notice an selling increase in no-time for sure. This game could be a very neat combat 1v1 ?v? but its a pity its just laying there, with once in a while an update that fixes a few bugs (for what you notice). :/ Ill come by next year to see if the game improved, till then its waiting in my library, waiting to be played good and for hours and hours and hours :) #ripmyenglish but you get the point. thank you.
Geplaatst 23 maart 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
334.5 uur in totaal (15.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Had my eyes on Rocket League when it came out almost one year ago. Saw it has a free weekend and finally played it for the first time. I suck at it, I love it, I bought it.
Geplaatst 25 april 2016.
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569.9 uur in totaal (473.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
When you write or edit a review just for the autumn sale badge :D
Geplaatst 11 mei 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 22 november 2017.
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4.3 uur in totaal (2.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Played this game a few times on an other pc- I just had to buy it!
Loved the storyline, I like it when creators are playing with timelines (the movie Interstellar is a masterpiece too).
The graphics: I never cared about the graphics, but I have to say, how Infinite is playing with light (shafts) is amazing.

I prefer this game strongly if you are looking for a game with a good story, nice graphics, looting and upgrading program and humor.

A big BIG thumbs up.
Geplaatst 27 november 2014.
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1-7 van 7 items weergegeven