1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 789.3 timmar totalt (92.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 2 nov, 2014 @ 11:59
Uppdaterad: 2 nov, 2014 @ 12:05

Early Access-recension
I can't recommend this game enough. It's like the mutant child of the 6DOF genre and Minecraft/Voxel Building Genre. Supremely rewarding and you can customize the heck out of the way you play. It's constantly being updated and it has workshop items that are a blast to play with! While there are a lack of planets and the only environments are asteroid fields. the game has a distinct charm that keeps me coming back. I hope to see some variation in environments in the future, and maybe some planets to land on and mine. We'll see. Regardless, I'd say it's more than worth a purchase.
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