Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

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Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
14/14 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Reflexology Master

Obtained all achievements.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.58

Cooldown Stretch

Cleared Asuka's Club Junior arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 22.43

After the Battle

Cleared Asuka's Woman Warrior arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 22.55

Study Time

Cleared Asuka's Tutor arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.07

Big Producer

Cleared Asuka's New Idol arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 22.58

As a Brother

Cleared Asuka's Sister arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 22.53

The Best Present

Cleared Asuka's Present arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.19

Between Home and School

Cleared Asuka's Classmate arc.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.14

Worlds of the Heart

Gathered all of Asuka's Heart Pieces.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.58

Healing Space

Performed the Royal Course in Glorious Reflexology.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 22.42

Dream Land

Performed the Luxury Course in Glorious Reflexology.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.14

The Best Moment

Performed the Fantastic Course in Glorious Reflexology.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.23

Heavenly Experience

Performed the Ultimate Course in Glorious Reflexology.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.26

Mood Changer

Changed a character's outfit.
Avattu 17.6.2020 klo 23.10