Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
Ei tietoja.
Kirjautunut ulos
DamienClawd 3.6. klo 12.56 
Those people are clown baiters, don't get baited
Primal 23.1.2020 klo 16.24 
Just adding you from the MGI thread, typhon is a BIG TRAP
Captain Dongcopter 10.9.2019 klo 10.29 
Hey mate, I found your post on the underrail forum about sound issues which I also have. I use a usb adapter to plug in both Headphone and microphone, that was the issue. When I plug in just the headphones and go into my windows sound settings I had to enable the karaoke feature and it worked, don't ask me how thats a thing.

Hope this fixes the issue for you!
Sevententwentytwenty 4.12.2018 klo 12.49 
what is your background? i love it
Zada 3.12.2018 klo 6.15 
mugen 5.10.2017 klo 14.41 
Saw you on A Hat in Time threads today and was wondering: what is your avatar from? It's a little sultry :tbphappy: