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Recente recensies door Oliver Rayne

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223.4 uur in totaal (209.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Get the Special Edtion instead of this. 64bit, running smoother.
Geplaatst 10 augustus 2017.
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8.3 uur in totaal (6.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is toxic, I tried to play several times but the players are almost all kids or lets just say young people who talk about so many things not related to the game and actully sound like they know what they are talking about even though we know they don't.

With that said their are many many many restrictions on f2p players. Then if that doesn't bother you, if you buy anything you lose it if you run out of your sub. Ya now that's a kick in the ass their then at times if you cancel they still take your money so you will have to call your bank or CC company to block them from taking money.

I do not know how this game is still on steam, with little to no reviews and such a small and toxic player base. But i will say the game is a little confusing as well but I made it far but not out of the starting city.
Geplaatst 24 maart 2016.
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110.3 uur in totaal (48.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
To everyone that is saying its not working on Windows 10, IT DOES....I did nothing to make it work, it worked the day I got it. Simply make sure you updated your OS from windows, also make sure all your drivers are up to date. Also to use mods simply go to the game and right click it then open the properties then click on the "set launch options" then type this in as is -ui it will allow you to open the game browser like most C&C games and launch mods.
Geplaatst 24 maart 2016.
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58.1 uur in totaal (54.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Heres a honest review, this game WILL be boring in many ways IF you do NOT have friends to tag with. Simply put this game is meant for playing with friends otherwise you will be doing the same stuff over and over again until you are bored, unless you have friends to laugh at when they die and have to revive them.
Geplaatst 24 maart 2016.
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1,683.5 uur in totaal (1,229.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
1,247 hours on record an still fun with constant updates. Mods make this game an frames add many play styles, get a crew and reck.

Nuff said.
Geplaatst 11 december 2015.
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14.5 uur in totaal (8.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
OMG, so Smashing heads in with a bullet....in slow motion....this never gets old.
Geplaatst 16 september 2015.
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54.8 uur in totaal (2.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Ok, I'll some this up real quick....yes it a WoW clone, but its free!
Geplaatst 16 september 2015.
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23.7 uur in totaal (13.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Game is great with lots to do, however its still buggy. The interface is VERY buggy, it does have a lot of things you can/could do and its deffenelty a work in progress. Until its finished I can't give a complete review.

My advice is to try this, you will have to explore the things to do and mess around with the interface before you can really understand how to play, it;s worth a try.
Geplaatst 16 september 2015.
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30.4 uur in totaal (5.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Still new to the game, so far as I can tell the gameplay is fun but pretty basic atm. I really like the feel of things but they still have a way to go before the final product. Its worth the money to give this game a try if you like space combat with massive ships.

If you are a fan of Battlestar Galatica THEN THIS IS A MUST HAVE!

Few ships atm, basic gameplay, at times long battles, Stand offs tend to happen, team work is needed. < basic things to know.
Geplaatst 13 augustus 2015.
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7.1 uur in totaal (6.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
BEFORE YOU READ THIS > This game is safe for kids, and family fun. ITS PERFECT FOR THAT!

This game here, just wow. No really, I know tons of MMO's that are alike in terms of WoW its normal. However this one approached it differently, instead of aiming toward mature players (meaning age groups) they aimed toward fantasy and children.

This game (as far as gameplay goes) is carebear all the way. They give you exp rewards for making a account and a few other things that boost your exp.

What the downfall is, is simple. Lack of content, you are stuck with the same gear as everyone else. While yes their is deferent gear there is not much options. Even in terms of clothing, I guess to cut this short , their is hardly any customiztion (Spellfail).

This can appeal to kids and those wierd Furry/Loli lovers but no one else.

I tried as being an MMO Fan (STO/FOM/) and I didn;t see the point if players are all the same. They need more options on making a player different and by that I mean changing clothes, colors ect ect. I hate WoW, but if I had to choose....I would choose WoW because it has more then this
Geplaatst 22 mei 2015.
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