Neil   United States
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Ritter 3 Jan @ 2:52pm 
68 years of the Whooper sandwich!
Ritter 13 Jan, 2024 @ 7:19pm 
67 years of the Whooper sandwich!
Ritter 2 Jan, 2023 @ 7:53pm 
66 years of the Whopper sandwich!
Ritter 20 Jan, 2022 @ 6:22pm 
65 years of the Whopper sandwich!
DrJLiver 5 Dec, 2021 @ 9:02pm 
Why would you douse yourself in your stinky perfume before you come to hold my 2 month old daughter? Now she stinks like you,even though i changed her clothes, now she needs a bath. She is not yours and covering her in your scent wont change that...she is mine.

When you visit, I go into another room to nurse her so that i can get away from you and i stay away longer than neccessary. Even though i absolutey love breastfeeding, i would do it even if i didnt because i know how much you hate it.
DrJLiver 21 Nov, 2021 @ 11:38pm 
My girlfriend is a very sweet and caring woman, and we have a great relationship. About 8 months ago we were drunk and talked about a threesome and I mentioned how it would be a turn on for me if I just watched or it happened when I was around, she was interested but naturally skeptical because it goes against the foundation of a "healthy relationship"

8 months later and I now watch her have sex with other men. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about this lifestyle or the specifics of what goes on; nothing is off-limits (except personal info like names, pictures)