Angelica   Texas, United States
Several spots left for 7DtD - PVE Server - 3/18 Wipe!
For Horror Movies, Games, Reviews & More! []
\m/ Rotting Christ - In the Name of God \m/
Grim Magazine - Horror/Metal/Gaming Reviews []

Greetings! I am the founder of the Nightshade Gaming Community, where we are slowly building an awesome gaming group of like-minded people who love to game. Especially in fun group settings.

Take a look at some of our available and soon-to-come Game Servers:

Our Online Servers:
- 7 Days to Die (Vanilla)
- 7 Days to Die (Ravenhearst Mod)
- 7 Days to Die (Darkness Falls Mod)
- Miscreated (hardcore as ♥♥♥♥)
- Rust (hardcore/perma-death)
- The Forest

Potential Servers Coming Soon:
- Dying Light
- Arc
- Don't Starve Together
- Wreckfest

We also have a large list of other games we play on together as a group, including World of Warcraft on Area 52 US Server, so there's always someone to run with no matter what game you want to play.

If you're looking for a good community that loves playing together, has lots of fun, is incredibly helpful, then this would be a great place for you. Just add me here on Steam and we'll get you set up with instructions on getting started on the server(s).

Once you become a member of this gaming community you will have access to every game server we run.

One last thing - Please read the rules provided for being a member of our servers. I am amazed at the number of people who say they have read these when it later becomes clear that they have not. If something is not clear to you, then please ask.
7 Days to Die
總時數 337 小時
最後執行於 3 月 7 日
總時數 371 小時
最後執行於 3 月 7 日
成就進度   20 / 38
總時數 3.3 小時
最後執行於 3 月 7 日
Necrowitch 2019 年 5 月 12 日 上午 9:45 
Miscreated PVP Server slots full, PVE Server coming soon!
Necrowitch 2019 年 5 月 10 日 上午 6:39 
The Forest - New server up and running! We have room for a few more, 8-Slots available. Just add me or send a message for our Discord channel and information on joining the server.
Necrowitch 2019 年 5 月 7 日 上午 3:57 
7 Days to Die - New 16-Slot Server up and running. Add me and send a message for our Discord and joining information!