drama queen naynaa
Wroclaw, Poland

My game crashes when its RPD offering
Currently Online
There are some -REPs u can use for my profile:
-rep bad bober
-rep flashlight user
-rep toxic sable
-rep flashbang user
-rep toxic switcher
-rep toxic nea
-rep crybaby
-rep DC
-rep background player
-rep t-bag
-rep TTV
-rep troll
-rep bully
-rep trash player
-rep noob
-rep steals flashlights
-rep chasinig killer instead of doing gens
-rep not doing gens
-rep blight
-rep DS
-rep toxic killer
-rep clicking flashlight
-rep kill teammates
-rep gen rush
ethie) 3 hours ago 
-rep bad toxic bober, very L bober, very haram bober, very bad bad bober
V1rtuoz 3 hours ago 
+rep she show me bed on springwood for... xD
Koro 22 May @ 5:00am 
+rep good surv <3
ethie) 21 May @ 8:15am 
огр 18 May @ 4:56am 
Amné 16 May @ 4:15pm 
+-rep toxic and annoying surv who camped my bushes and also my lockers just to save his stupid friend with this stupid flashlight ♥♥♥♥ ( You got baited, she's a amazing person and also a strong and funny surv just a littleeee bit toxic tho sometimes :lunar2019piginablanket: :heart_emo: )