Saint Augustine
Don't worry about it   United States
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☠Red_Soul☠ 29 okt 2020 om 10:25 
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Phi 29 apr 2018 om 15:27 
shlomo meinte in der letzten salzmine das ihm 4 min nach dem löschdich doku ♥♥♥♥ nen neues vid gelöscht worden wäre weist du zufällig welches oder wars doch nur ein älteren und ich habs miss verstanden?
warum sollte ich mein yt acc is ehh tot 😊
dachte mal das ich auf dtube mitm mirrorn anfangen sollte aber da is mein uload zu lahm 😊
ich hoffe ♥♥♥♥♥ das dorian komplett weg is
ich dachte mir bei der aktion das er einfach mit gutem beispiel voran gehen will so als aw auf deren löschdich doku
halt symbolisch machts mir nach 😊
aber scheinbar verstehen die nasen weder argumente noch symboliken :D^^
denke diemeisten fühlen sich wie don quichotte
Phi 25 apr 2018 om 14:07 
Will you be my boyfriend? :c
I've just always had this crush on you
And I've never been able to bring myself to admit it until now
So what do you say? : )
Wario 18 apr 2018 om 17:59 
You are a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ coward you know that? Every game I play austria you’ll play ottomans and ally france and invade hungary. Even when i do win, you nation ruin and no cb the host. You piss me off you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scum. You come into my discord speaking ♥♥♥♥ turk and expect not to get muted you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ roach ♥♥♥♥. I’ve had it with your ♥♥♥♥ you muslim piece of ♥♥♥♥. If i ever see you in another game again i’ll ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ play mamluks and kick your ass you coward piece of ♥♥♥♥!
Phi 12 apr 2018 om 16:33 
Please stop joining my games to troll. I host serious eu4 games for me and my friends, which last till 1821, and you always come on and nation ruin all the time. I've been patient, my friends tell me you have autism which im sorry for, but enough is enough. If you keep joining and trolling all my games, ill ban you from my discord and every eu4 game i host.
Phi 5 apr 2018 om 20:32 
I used to actually think you were a cool guy, and felt like I could kinda relate to you. But man, have you thrown all that away. I've lost every bit of respect I had for you, and you're pushing yourself towards being the worst person I've ever met on Steam, Skype and Discord.

So, well done, if that's what you were going for. You've successfully made yourself the least respectable member of our discord, and I no longer want to have anything to do with you.

And I've reported you for spamming my profile with ♥♥♥♥, so hopefully you'll get what you deserve