Oppai Dragon
Nakira   Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Passionated Gamer for life!

:louie:Played on following plattforms: Gameboy, NES, SNES, Mega Drive, PSOne, N64, PS2, GameCube, PS3, PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch

:kryska:Favorite Games: Mass Effect 1-3, The Last of Us 1&2, The Witcher III, Sunrider:Liberation Day, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Dragon Age Origins, Skyrim, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza Franchise, Lost Judgment, Persona 5, Hollow Knight, Song of Saya, Lies of P, Slay the Princess

:hp_jessie:"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve

:jasminhappy:"That's a straw, Tali" ... "Emergency. Induction. Port."
- Shepard & Tali (Mass Effect)

:Annatl:"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."
- Javik (Mass Effect)

:PriestessJeanne:"I've struggled a long time with survivin', but no matter what you have to find something to fight for!"
- Joel (The Last of Us)
